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Is there a way I can run a Database.SqlQuery as async?

People also ask

Should database calls be async?

Asynchronous calls are most useful when facing relatively infrequent large, expensive operations that could tie up response threads which could otherwise be servicing requests while the originator waits. For quick, common operations, async can slow things down.

Is SQL query Async?

SQL Server allows applications to perform asynchronous database operations. Asynchronous processing enables methods to return immediately without blocking on the calling thread.

Why do you have to use await a database call?

To execute task functions, you need to add " await " before the function call. This will execute the function, and return the " Result " to the variable should one be specified. Variables do not need to be specified. You can call the function using " await " which will run the task without retrieving a result.

What is async query?

Asynchronous executionAn asynchronous query execute call does not block for results. Instead, a future is immediately returned from the asynchronous execute call. A future is a placeholder object that stands in for the result until the result is returned from the database.

If you're using Entity Framework 6 you just need to specify

using System.Data.Entity;

at the top of your file.

ToListAsync is an extension method on IQueryable<T> declared in System.Data.Entity.QueryableExtensions