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Is there a tool for parsing a string to create a C# func?

I need to know if there is any library out there that will allow me to, given a certain string representing a mathematical function, say, x^2+x+1, (don't care about how the string format, any will work for me) generates a C# func that will represent said function.

like image 840
user1432653 Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 03:12


1 Answers

Been using FLEE (Fast Lightweight Expression Evaluator) for a while now and it's been working great. They have a version that maintains most functionality for Silverlight as well. It's designed to do pretty much exactly what you're asking for and more.


Flee is an expression parser and evaluator for the .NET framework. It allows you to compute the value of string expressions such as sqrt(a^2 + b^2) at runtime. It uses a custom compiler, strongly-typed expression language, and lightweight codegen to compile expressions directly to IL. This means that expression evaluation is extremely fast and efficient.

Given your example from your comment to evaluate x^2+x+1 (written in Notepad):

public Func<double, double> CreateExpressionForX(string expression)

    ExpressionContext context = new ExpressionContext();
    // Define some variables
    context.Variables["x"] = 0.0d;

    // Use the variables in the expression
    IDynamicExpression e = context.CompileDynamic(expression);

    Func<double, double> expressionEvaluator = (double input) =>
        content.Variables["x"] = input;
        var result = (double)e.Evaluate();
        return result;

    return expressionEvaluator;

Func<double, double> expression = CreateExpressionForX("x^2 + x + 1");

double result1 = expression(1); //3
double result2 = expression(20.5); //441.75
double result3 = expression(-10.5); //121.75

Func<double, double> expression2 = CreateExpressionForX("3 * x + 10");

double result4 = expression2(1); //13
double result5 = expression2(20.5); //71.5
double result6 = expression2(-10.5); //-21.5
like image 101
Chris Sinclair Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 06:12

Chris Sinclair