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Incorrect return value when using ExecuteNonQuery()





I have a C# program I'm writing which interacts with SQL Server. I had foolishly hard-coded the query strings into the C# program, and wanted to instead turn those into Stored Procedures on the server.

For some reason, one particular INSERT statement (that was working fine!) no longer works and I can't figure out why. I've even run a SQL Profiler Trace, and it shows that the statement is perfectly formed! Maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

STORED PROCEDURE: This SP just takes a bunch of parameters and inserts them into a table. Very simple.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_InsertNewChangeRequest]

@Requester INT,
@ChangeCreationDate DATETIME,
@ChangeName VARCHAR(200),
@ChangeDescription VARCHAR(1000),
@LastModifiedDate DATETIME,
@LastModifiedBy INT,
@AffectedArea INT,
@ImplementationPlan VARCHAR(MAX),
@BackoutPlan VARCHAR(MAX),
@RiskLevel TINYINT,
@ApprovalRequired BIT,
@IsApproved BIT

INSERT INTO dbo.ChangeRequests(Requester, ChangeCreationDate, ChangeName, ChangeDescription, 
            LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedBy, AffectedArea, ImplementationPlan, BackoutPlan, 
            RiskLevel, ApprovalRequired, IsApproved)
VALUES (@Requester, @ChangeCreationDate, @ChangeName, @ChangeDescription,
            @LastModifiedDate, @LastModifiedBy, @AffectedArea, @ImplementationPlan, @BackoutPlan,
            @RiskLevel, @ApprovalRequired, @IsApproved) 

My code in C# simply preps the SP parameters then calls a nonquery:

public int InsertNewChange(int RequesterID, DateTime CreationDate, string ChangeName,
        string ChangeDescription, DateTime LastModifiedDate, 
        int AffectedAreaID, string ImplementationPlan, string BackoutPlan,
        int RiskLevel, int ApprovalRequired, int IsApproved)
        int retval = 0;

        // Create a command whose name is the stored procedure for inserts
        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("usp_InsertNewChangeRequest", scConnection);
        command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

        // add the parameters to the stored procedure
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Requester", RequesterID));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ChangeCreationDate", CreationDate));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ChangeName", ChangeName));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ChangeDescription", ChangeDescription));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LastModifiedDate", LastModifiedDate));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LastModifiedBy", RequesterID));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@AffectedArea", AffectedAreaID));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ImplementationPlan", ImplementationPlan));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BackoutPlan", BackoutPlan));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RiskLevel", RiskLevel));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ApprovalRequired", ApprovalRequired));
        command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IsApproved", IsApproved));

        retval = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
        return retval;

I'm constantly getting a -1 return value, whereas before, when I had the SQL text spelled out entirely in C#, I would get a 1, for the 1 row inserted.

Infuriatingly, I don't see any error in SQL Profiler when doing a trace. It shows the statement passed, and it looks completely fine! When I cut and paste it into Management Studio and run it myself by hand, it works fine.

    exec usp_InsertNewChangeRequest @Requester=4,@ChangeCreationDate='2012-05-16 17:55:45',@ChangeName='test name',@ChangeDescription='test description',@LastModifiedDate='2012-05-16 17:56:01.937',@LastModifiedBy=4,@AffectedArea=2,@ImplementationPlan='test implem',@BackoutPlan='test backout',@RiskLevel=1,@ApprovalRequired=0,@IsApproved=0

Does anyone know why this would be happening to me? MANY THANKS!

like image 324
Skkra Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 03:12


1 Answers

Because you turned it off:

like image 97
asawyer Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 18:12
