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Is there a shortcut key to toggle h/cpp file in Android Studio? [duplicate]



In xcode I type cmd-shift up/down to switch between .h and .c files. How do I do that in CLion? Or more usefully, what would that action be called in the keymap? I don't find the keymap names terribly usefully named. None stand out for this purpose, including after the usual googling.

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cloudsurfin Avatar asked Nov 25 '15 00:11


3 Answers

The shortcut is called 'Related Symbol' in the keymap.
On Mac it defaults to Ctrl+Cmd+Up,
on Windows/Linux -- to Ctrl+Alt+Home.

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xorza Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09


To switch between .h and .c files I use F10 key or the Navigate menu in CLion in Linux system:

F10 Header/Source

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Gianluca Ghisleni Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Gianluca Ghisleni

you can try: Navigate | Related Symbol

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earthwu Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
