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Is there a `shared_lock_guard` and if not, what would it look like?

I wanted to use a std::mutex in my class, and noticed that it isn't copyable. I'm at the bottom level of my library here, so it seems like a terrible idea to have this behaviour.

I used std::lock_guard on the std::mutex, but there doesn't seem to be a shared_lock_guard, which would be preferable to provide write-locks-exclusively behaviour. Is this an oversight or trivial to implement myself?

like image 614
rubenvb Avatar asked Aug 27 '16 20:08


1 Answers

With C++14 You can use a std::shared_lock and a std::unique_lock to implement read/write locking:

class lockable
    using mutex_type = std::shared_timed_mutex;
    using read_lock  = std::shared_lock<mutex_type>;
    using write_lock = std::unique_lock<mutex_type>;

    mutable mutex_type mtx;

    int data = 0;


    // returns a scoped lock that allows multiple
    // readers but excludes writers
    read_lock lock_for_reading() { return read_lock(mtx); }

    // returns a scoped lock that allows only
    // one writer and no one else
    write_lock lock_for_writing() { return write_lock(mtx); }

    int read_data() const { return data; }
    void write_data(int data) { this->data = data; }

int main()
    lockable obj;

        // reading here
        auto lock = obj.lock_for_reading(); // scoped lock
        std::cout << obj.read_data() << '\n';

        // writing here
        auto lock = obj.lock_for_writing(); // scoped lock

Note: If you have C++17, then you can use std::shared_mutex for mutex_type.

like image 66
Galik Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 22:10
