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Is there a set identity_insert on equivalent for SQLite?

In TSQL there is


is there a functional equivalent in SQLite?

like image 914
DiverseAndRemote.com Avatar asked Nov 07 '12 16:11


People also ask

What is IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON?

If the value inserted is larger than the current identity value for the table, SQL Server automatically uses the new inserted value as the current identity value. The setting of SET IDENTITY_INSERT is set at execute or run time and not at parse time.

What is IDENTITY_INSERT on off in SQL Server?

The set identity_insert command in SQL Server, as the name implies, allows the user to insert explicit values into the identity column of a table.

What is when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to off?

In the first case, we will insert data into the table with the “IDENTITY INSERT” set to “OFF”. So, if the ID is present into the INSERT statement, you will get the error “Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'person' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF”. Execute the following code in the query tab.

1 Answers

SQLite always allows inserting a value into the primary key column; automatically generated values are used only when the inserted value is NULL (explicitly or omitted).

For details, see the documentation.

like image 137
CL. Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10