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Database-independent SQL String Concatenation in Rails

I want to do a database-side string concatenation in a Rails query, and do it in database-independent way.

SQL-92 specifies double-bar (||) as the concatenation operator. Unfortunately it looks like MS SQL Server doesn't support it; it uses + instead.

I'm guessing that Rails' SQL grammar abstraction has solved the db-specific operator problem already. If it does exist, how do I use it?

like image 978
Craig Walker Avatar asked Jun 06 '10 23:06

Craig Walker

People also ask

How do I concatenate strings in rails?

Concatenating strings or string concatenation means joining two or more strings together. In Ruby, we can use the plus + operator to do this, or we can use the double less than operator << .

Does || work in SQL Server?

ANSI SQL defines a concatenation operator (||), which joins two distinct strings into one string value.

How do you concatenate in a database?

Concatenation is achieved by use of a special concatenation operator in a SQL query. For example, Oracle Database uses the || operator to join two strings. A sample SQL query to achieve this is: SELECT first_name||' '||surname FROM customer_master.

2 Answers

I had the same problem and never came up with anything that was built into Rails. So I wrote this little method.

# Symbols should be used for field names, everything else will be quoted as a string
def db_concat(*args)

  adapter = configurations[RAILS_ENV]['adapter'].to_sym
  args.map!{ |arg| arg.class==Symbol ? arg.to_s : "'#{arg}'" }

  case adapter
    when :mysql
    when :sqlserver


I'm thinking somebody should really write some sort of SQL helper plugin that could automatically format simple SQL expressions based using the correct functions or operators for the current adapter. Maybe I'll write one myself.

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aNoble Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09


It hasn't received much usage yet but I wrote the following code which seems to solve the problem. This monkey-patches the adapters to have a method to support it:

module ActiveRecord
  module ConnectionAdapters
    class AbstractAdapter

      # Will return the given strings as a SQL concationation. By default
      # uses the SQL-92 syntax:
      #   concat('foo', 'bar') -> "foo || bar"
      def concat(*args)
        args * " || "


    class AbstractMysqlAdapter < AbstractAdapter

      # Will return the given strings as a SQL concationation.
      # Uses MySQL format:
      #   concat('foo', 'bar')  -> "CONCAT(foo, bar)"
      def concat(*args)
        "CONCAT(#{args * ', '})"


    class SQLServerAdapter < AbstractAdapter

      # Will return the given strings as a SQL concationation.
      # Uses MS-SQL format:
      #   concat('foo', 'bar')  -> foo + bar
      def concat(*args)
        args * ' + '


With this you should be able to do the following in your code:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  def self.find_by_name(name)
    where("#{connection.concat('first_name', 'last_name')} = ?", name)


This outputs the following SQL query on a SQL-92 database (Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL):

SELECT * FROM users WHERE first_name || last_name = ?

For MySQL it outputs:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE CONCAT(first_name, last_name) = ?

For SQL Server it outputs

SELECT * FROM users WHERE first_name + last_name = ?

Obviously you could extend this concept to other database adapters.

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Eric Anderson Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Eric Anderson