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Is there a ReSharper template to generate a basic method?

I'm new to ReSharper and am surprised that there isn't a template defined for

public void MethodName(<params>)


I realize I could create one, but I would have thought this would have been part of the standard product. Perhaps I'm missing some other shortcut?

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Howard Pinsley Avatar asked Nov 26 '08 20:11

Howard Pinsley

2 Answers

I'm not aware of any such default template, but as you pointed out it's terribly easy to write:

public void $METHODNAME$($PARAMS$)

However, I'm more that a tiny bit perplexed that you're interested in making all your methods both public and void by default.

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Matt Campbell Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 10:11

Matt Campbell

I ended up with:


I tied it to the single letter "m".

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Howard Pinsley Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 11:11

Howard Pinsley