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Keyboard shortcut to "add to watch" in VS 2008

Is there any keyboard shortcut to add the highlighted variable to watch in VS IDE? It takes a bit of time to right click and choosing "Add to watch" option in the very long drop down menu and its annoying.

-Thanks, Suresh.

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Suresh Avatar asked Jul 11 '09 13:07


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On the menu bar, choose Tools > Options. Expand Environment, and then choose Keyboard. Optional: Filter the list of commands by entering all or part of the name of the command, without spaces, in the Show commands containing box. In the list, choose the command to which you want to assign a keyboard shortcut.

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Then CTRL+ALT+W + 1,2,3,4 . Or open the Menu.

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1 Answers

Not by default.

You can add one: Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard and enter "watch" in the "show commands..." box. You need the "Debug.AddWatch" command.

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Richard Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
