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Is there a pure Java framework for gesture recognition? [closed]

Is there any specific Java gesture recognition out there? iGesture is very old. OpenCV is based on C/C++, I used some Java wrapper like JavaCV, but I cannot find any resource and documentation for it. Is there any pure Java framework for gesture recognition? Please suggest if you know.

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user261002 Avatar asked Feb 09 '10 15:02


1 Answers

after several days confusion and working on different solutions, and using C# wrappers or Java wrappers and different .Net frameworks and java frameworks. find out its better to install openCV and use it in visual studio 2008 and program it with C++... believe me thats the easiest way, these links at below were so helpful for using openCV libraries into Visual Studio 2008: http://7evin.wordpress.com/2009/07/28/opencv-visual-studio-2008-in-windows-vista/ http://uowteaminvincible.wordpress.com/2010/01/09/getting-started-with-opencv-in-microsoft-visual-studio-2008-in-windows-vista/

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user261002 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 05:10
