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Is there a plug-in for Visual Studio 2010 to query XML file using LINQ/XPATH?

There is an XML file. I need to do some statistics on it (e.g. how many nodes don't have a particular attribute, etc.). I am not seeing anything that would allow me doing that right off the bat. Any suggestions? I am using XML Tree plugin for Chrome at the moment but not only it's outside of VS but it also doesn't work for me sometime.

like image 651
Schultz9999 Avatar asked Jul 29 '11 20:07


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How do I add an XML file to Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio, open the File menu and select New > File. Or, use the Ctrl+N keyboard shortcut. In the New File dialog box, select XML Schema and then select Open. A new file is created.

How do I open an XML file in Visual Studio?

On the File menu, point to New, and click File. Select XML File in the Templates pane and click Open. A new file is opened in the editor.

What is XPath in C#?

The XML Document Object Model (DOM) contains methods that allow you to use XML Path Language (XPath) navigation to query information in the DOM. You can use XPath to find a single, specific node or to find all nodes that match some criteria.

1 Answers

Found this thing: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/c5d4671c-2e29-4452-b039-6f931b7b1155/. Appears doing what I needed and integrates into VS IDE nicely.

like image 147
Schultz9999 Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 14:10
