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Efficiently sort an IList<T> without copying the source list

Given the test case below how can I:

  1. Sort the IList<TestObject> based on the index of a matching Id in the IList<int> list.
  2. Unmatched values are moved to the end of the list and sorted by their original index. In this case, since 3 and 4 do not exist in the index list, we expect to see list[3] == 3 and list[4] == 4.
  3. Whilst I know this can be achieved with linq, I need to resort the original list rather than creating a new one (due to how the list is stored).
  4. The source list must be an IList (I can't use List<T>)

Here's the test:

    public class TestObject
        public int Id { get; set; }

    public void Can_reorder_using_index_list()
        IList<TestObject> list = new List<TestObject>
            new TestObject { Id = 1 },
            new TestObject { Id = 2 },
            new TestObject { Id = 3 },
            new TestObject { Id = 4 },
            new TestObject { Id = 5 }

        IList<int> indexList = new[] { 10, 5, 1, 9, 2 };

        // TODO sort

        Assert.That(list[0].Id, Is.EqualTo(5));
        Assert.That(list[1].Id, Is.EqualTo(1));
        Assert.That(list[2].Id, Is.EqualTo(2));
        Assert.That(list[3].Id, Is.EqualTo(3));
        Assert.That(list[4].Id, Is.EqualTo(4));


As requested, this is what I did try, but 1) it only works with List<T> and 2) I'm not sure it's the most efficient way:

       var clone = list.ToList();
        list.Sort((x, y) =>
            var xIndex = indexList.IndexOf(x.Id);
            var yIndex = indexList.IndexOf(y.Id);

            if (xIndex == -1)
                xIndex = list.Count + clone.IndexOf(x);
            if (yIndex == -1)
                yIndex = list.Count + clone.IndexOf(y);

            return xIndex.CompareTo(yIndex);

Update 2:

Thanks to @leppie, @jamiec, @mitch wheat - this is the working code:

    public class TestObjectComparer : Comparer<TestObject>
        private readonly IList<int> indexList;
        private readonly Func<TestObject, int> currentIndexFunc;
        private readonly int listCount;

        public TestObjectComparer(IList<int> indexList, Func<TestObject, int> currentIndexFunc, int listCount)
            this.indexList = indexList;
            this.currentIndexFunc = currentIndexFunc;
            this.listCount = listCount;

        public override int Compare(TestObject x, TestObject y)
            var xIndex = indexList.IndexOf(x.Id);
            var yIndex = indexList.IndexOf(y.Id);

            if (xIndex == -1)
                xIndex = listCount + currentIndexFunc(x);
            if (yIndex == -1)
                yIndex = listCount + currentIndexFunc(y);

            return xIndex.CompareTo(yIndex);

    public void Can_reorder_using_index_list()
        IList<TestObject> list = new List<TestObject>
            new TestObject { Id = 1 },
            new TestObject { Id = 2 },
            new TestObject { Id = 3 },
            new TestObject { Id = 4 },
            new TestObject { Id = 5 }

        IList<int> indexList = new[] { 10, 5, 1, 9, 2, 4 };

        ArrayList.Adapter((IList)list).Sort(new TestObjectComparer(indexList, x => list.IndexOf(x), list.Count));

        Assert.That(list[0].Id, Is.EqualTo(5));
        Assert.That(list[1].Id, Is.EqualTo(1));
        Assert.That(list[2].Id, Is.EqualTo(2));
        Assert.That(list[3].Id, Is.EqualTo(3));
        Assert.That(list[4].Id, Is.EqualTo(4));
like image 605
Ben Foster Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 07:07

Ben Foster

2 Answers

Been looking at this for a bit, and indeed as previously said, your going to need ArrayList.Adapter, however you'll note it takes a non-generic IList so some casting will be required:


You'll also need to write a comparer, of which the logic to do your sorting willl be contained. Excuse the name but:

public class WeirdComparer : IComparer,IComparer<TestObject>
    private IList<int> order;
    public WeirdComparer(IList<int> order)
        this.order = order;
    public int Compare(object x, object y)
        return Compare((TestObject) x, (TestObject) y);

    public int Compare(TestObject x, TestObject y)
                return order.IndexOf(x.Id).CompareTo(order.IndexOf(y.Id));    
            return -1;
            if (order.Contains(y.Id))
                return 1;
            return x.Id.CompareTo(y.Id);

EDIT: Added implementation to above comparerr

Then the usage would be as follows:

IList<int> indexList = new[] { 10, 5, 1, 9, 2 };
ArrayList.Adapter((IList)list).Sort(new WeirdComparer(indexList));

By the way, this thread explains a nice way to turn this into an extension method which will make your code more reusable and easier to read IMO.

like image 55
Jamiec Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 08:11


You can try the following:



A generic comparer:

class Comparer<T> : IComparer<T>, IComparer
  internal Func<T, T, int> pred;

  public int Compare(T x, T y)
    return pred(x, y);  

  public int Compare(object x, object y)
    return Compare((T)x, (T)y);

static class ComparerExtensions
  static IComparer Create<T>(Func<T, T, int> pred)
    return new Comparer<T> { pred = pred };

  public static void Sort<T>(this ArrayList l, Func<T, T, int> pred)


ArrayList.Adapter(list).Sort<int>((x,y) => x - y);
like image 2
leppie Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 06:11
