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Is there a `pipe` equivalent in ruby?



Occasionally when writing Ruby I find myself wanting a pipe method, similar to tap but returning the result of calling the block with self as a parameter, like this:

class Object
  def pipe(&block)

some_operation.pipe { |x| some_other_operation(x) }

..but so far I haven't managed to find out what it's called, if it exists. Does it exist?

If it doesn't, I know I could monkey-patch object to add it but, y'know, that's bad. Unless there's a brilliant, guaranteed to never clash (and descriptive and short) name I could use for it...

like image 492
Russell Avatar asked Oct 11 '12 21:10


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2 Answers

This abstraction doesn't exist in the core. I usually call it as, it's short and declarative:

class Object
  def as

"3".to_i.as { |x| x*x } #=> 9

Raganwald usually mentions that abstraction in his posts, he calls it into.

So, summing it up, some names: pipe, as, into, peg, thru.

like image 121
tokland Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10


Ruby 2.5 introduced Object.yield_self which is exactly the pipe operator you're using: it receives a block, passes self as the first argument to it and returns the result of evaluating the block.

class Object
  def yield_self(*args)
    yield(self, *args)

Example usage:

"Hello".yield_self { |str| str + " World" }
# Returns "Hello World"

You can also read a little more about it in the following blog posts:

  1. Explains the difference with Rails' try and Ruby's tap methods
  2. Some very nice examples of using yield_self to simplify code
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elyalvarado Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 07:10
