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Is there a method in Ruby that does the opposite of find?

a, b, c = 0, 1, 2
[a, b, c].find(&:zero?) # => 0

Is there any method that finds the first element for which the block returns false?

[a, b, c].the_method(&:zero?) # => 1

In other words, it would behave the same way as:

[a, b, c].reject(&:zero?).first
like image 711
Pablo B. Avatar asked Apr 29 '11 19:04

Pablo B.

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3 Answers

There is not, but you could create one either the clean-ish way:

a = [0,2,1,0,3]

module Enumerable
  def first_not(&block)
    find{ |x| !block[x] }

p a.first_not(&:zero?)
#=> 2

...or the horribly-amusing hack way:

class Proc
  def !
    proc{ |o,*a| !self[o,*a] }

p a.find(&!(:zero?.to_proc))
#=> 2

...or the terse-but-terribly-dangerous way:

class Symbol
  def !
    proc{ |o,*a| !o.send(self,*a) }

p a.find(&!:zero?)
#=> 2

But I'd advocate just skipping the tricky Symbol#to_proc usage and saying what you want:

p a.find{ |i| !i.zero? }
#=> 2
like image 177
Phrogz Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 01:10


As far as I can tell there is not a standard method to do this (given that find_all and reject reference each other, but find does not reference anything). If you need it frequently (especially if the reject is too slow) you can write your own

module Enumerable

  def first_reject(&block)
    find {|a| not (block.call(a)) }

like image 36
Kathy Van Stone Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 02:10

Kathy Van Stone

If you're using Ruby 2.0, you may be able to do lazy.reject(&:zero?).first without the performance penalty of going through the full array.

like image 25
Andrew Grimm Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 01:10

Andrew Grimm