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User Input + Ruby + Regex?

I want to give users a text area where they can enter text. Later I will match that input against a different input and extract it if matched.


  • User enters text with returns into a text area
  • Text is saved in the db in a text field

Then I use the following to extract:

text_reply = text_reply.sub(/#{user.text_to_extract}/m, '').strip

Problem is that it appears that characters like new lines or pipes | are breaking it. As input that we want to match against can look like this:


asdasd: 123312321 | dasasddsadasads


Suggestions? Thansk

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AnApprentice Avatar asked Mar 22 '11 18:03


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1 Answers

You need to escape the input: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Regexp.html

See the method escape.

like image 199
Michael Papile Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 11:11

Michael Papile