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Is there a PHP equivalent of Rails migrations? [closed]


Is there a PHP equivalent of Rails migrations?

Looking for a good solution for configuring schema changes locally and then automatically bumping them to the server without losing data.

like image 778
Zack Burt Avatar asked Jul 24 '10 09:07

Zack Burt

2 Answers

My project http://github.com/robmorgan/phinx is a small lightweight migration engine without any bloat or big framework dependency. It borrows the best parts from several tools including ActiveRecord::Migration.

like image 176
Rob Morgan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Rob Morgan

Ruckusing Migrations is a "Database Migrations" framework for PHP 5.2+.

The framework is modeled after ActiveRecord::Migrations from Ruby on Rails.

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Sagi Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09
