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Is there a Pattern Matching Utility like GREP in Windows?




People also ask

Is there a grep equivalent for Windows?

grep command equivalent in Windows CMDfindstr is the command equivalent to grep.

What is the equivalent of grep in PowerShell?

The simplest PowerShell equivalent to grep is Select-String. The Select-String cmdlet provides the following features: Search by regular expressions (default); Search by literal match (the parameter -Simple);

How do I search for a file pattern in Windows?

It is available in all major Windows versions including Windows 10. You can use the application to filter command-line outputs and search individual files or entire directory structures for files with matching text. Run findstr /? from the command line to display all parameters and options that "Find String" supports.

There is a command-line tool called FINDSTR that comes with all Windows NT-class operating systems (type FINDSTR /? into a Command Prompt window for more information) It doesn't support everything grep does but it might be sufficient for your needs.

PowerShell (included as standard on Windows 7/2008R2, optional for XP/2003/Vista/2008) which includes the select-string cmdlet for this purpose.

Grep for Windows by GnuWin Project (2014-10-02: It's outdated, see comments below)

as mentioned, findstr works fine. example :

C:>dir | findstr Windows

11/06/2013 09:55 PM Windows

I'm surprised no one has mentioned FINDSTR. I'm no grep poweruser, but findstr does what I need it to, filter files and stdin, with some primitive regex support. Ships with Windows and all that. (Edit: Well someone did mention findstr, It's late I guess)