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How to create an infinite loop in Windows batch file?

People also ask

How do I make a batch file run continuously?

Pressing "y" would use the goto command and go back to start and rerun the batch file. Pressing any other key would exit the batch file.

How do you run a loop in CMD?

FOR /D - Loop through several folders. FOR /L - Loop through a range of numbers. FOR /F - Loop through items in a text file. FOR /F - Loop through the output of a command.

How do I get out of Infinite loop in CMD?

To stop this infinite loop, press Ctrl + C and then press y and then Enter.

How about using good(?) old goto?


echo Ooops

goto loop

See also this for a more useful example.

Unlimited loop in one-line command for use in cmd windows:

FOR /L %N IN () DO @echo Oops

enter image description here

A really infinite loop, counting from 1 to 10 with increment of 0.
You need infinite or more increments to reach the 10.

for /L %%n in (1,0,10) do (
  echo do stuff
  rem ** can't be leaved with a goto (hangs)
  rem ** can't be stopped with exit /b (hangs)
  rem ** can be stopped with exit
  rem ** can be stopped with a syntax error
  call :stop

call :__stop 2>nul

() creates a syntax error, quits the batch

This could be useful if you need a really infinite loop, as it is much faster than a goto :loop version because a for-loop is cached completely once at startup.

read help GOTO

and try

do it
goto again

Another better way of doing it:

timeout /T 1 /NOBREAK 
::pause or sleep x seconds also valid
call myLabel
if not ErrorLevel 1 goto :LOOP

This way you can take care of errors too

Here is an example of using the loop:

echo off


set /P M=Input text to encode md5, press ENTER to exit: 
if %M%==%M1% goto end

echo.|set /p ="%M%" | openssl md5

set M1=%M%
Goto begin

This is the simple batch i use when i need to encrypt any message into md5 hash on Windows(openssl required), and the program would loyally repeat itself except given Ctrl+C or empty input.