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is there a mysql function to decode html entities?

i was wondering if there is a MYSQL function to decode text with html entities. I have seen some approaches using REPLACE but it looks kinda hard to manage all the entities.

like image 715
Raul Leaño Martinet Avatar asked Sep 09 '10 17:09

Raul Leaño Martinet

People also ask

How to decode in MySQL?

The MySQL DECODE() function returns empty strings if the encoded string is an empty string. The DECODE() function accepts two parameters which are the encoded string to be decoded and the password string to decode the encoded string. Syntax: DECODE(encoded_string, password_string);

Can you decode HTML?

Wikipedia has a good expalanation of character encodings and how some characters should be represented in HTML. Load the HTML data to decode from a file, then press the 'Decode' button: Browse: Alternatively, type or paste in the text you want to HTML–decode, then press the 'Decode' button.

What is HTML entity decode?

HTML encoding converts characters that are not allowed in HTML into character-entity equivalents; HTML decoding reverses the encoding. For example, when embedded in a block of text, the characters < and > are encoded as &lt; and &gt; for HTTP transmission.

3 Answers

The following function can be used to decode numeric entities like &#12345;

    NO SQL

    DECLARE entity  TEXT CHARSET utf8;
    DECLARE pos1    INT DEFAULT 1;
    DECLARE pos2    INT;
    DECLARE codepoint   INT;

        RETURN NULL;
    END IF;
        SET pos1 = LOCATE('&#', tmp, pos1);
        IF pos1 = 0 THEN
            RETURN tmp;
        END IF;
        SET pos2 = LOCATE(';', tmp, pos1 + 2);
        IF pos2 > pos1 THEN
            SET entity = SUBSTRING(tmp, pos1, pos2 - pos1 + 1);
            IF entity REGEXP '^&#[[:digit:]]+;$' THEN
                SET codepoint = CAST(SUBSTRING(entity, 3, pos2 - pos1 - 2) AS UNSIGNED);
                IF codepoint > 31 THEN
                    SET tmp = CONCAT(LEFT(tmp, pos1 - 1), CHAR(codepoint USING utf32), SUBSTRING(tmp, pos2 + 1));
                END IF;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        SET pos1 = pos1 + 1;
like image 45
epos_jk Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10


You can create function like below


    DECLARE TextString VARCHAR(255) ; 
    SET TextString = X ; 

    #quotation mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&quot;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&quot;','"') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&apos;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&apos;','"') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&amp;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&amp;','&') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&lt;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&lt;','<') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&gt;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&gt;','>') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #non-breaking space 
    IF INSTR( X , '&nbsp;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&nbsp;',' ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #inverted exclamation mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&iexcl;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&iexcl;','¡') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&cent;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&cent;','¢') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&pound;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&pound;','£') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&curren;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&curren;','¤') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&yen;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&yen;','¥') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #broken vertical bar 
    IF INSTR( X , '&brvbar;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&brvbar;','¦') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&sect;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&sect;','§') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #spacing diaeresis 
    IF INSTR( X , '&uml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&uml;','¨') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&copy;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&copy;','©') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #feminine ordinal indicator 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ordf;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ordf;','ª') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #angle quotation mark (left) 
    IF INSTR( X , '&laquo;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&laquo;','«') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&not;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&not;','¬') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #soft hyphen 
    IF INSTR( X , '&shy;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&shy;','­') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #registered trademark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&reg;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&reg;','®') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #spacing macron 
    IF INSTR( X , '&macr;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&macr;','¯') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&deg;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&deg;','°') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&plusmn;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&plusmn;','±') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #superscript 2 
    IF INSTR( X , '&sup2;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&sup2;','²') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #superscript 3 
    IF INSTR( X , '&sup3;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&sup3;','³') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #spacing acute 
    IF INSTR( X , '&acute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&acute;','´') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&micro;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&micro;','µ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&para;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&para;','¶') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #middle dot 
    IF INSTR( X , '&middot;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&middot;','·') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #spacing cedilla 
    IF INSTR( X , '&cedil;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&cedil;','¸') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #superscript 1 
    IF INSTR( X , '&sup1;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&sup1;','¹') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #masculine ordinal indicator 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ordm;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ordm;','º') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #angle quotation mark (right) 
    IF INSTR( X , '&raquo;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&raquo;','»') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #fraction 1/4 
    IF INSTR( X , '&frac14;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&frac14;','¼') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #fraction 1/2 
    IF INSTR( X , '&frac12;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&frac12;','½') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #fraction 3/4 
    IF INSTR( X , '&frac34;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&frac34;','¾') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #inverted question mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&iquest;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&iquest;','¿') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&times;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&times;','×') ; 
    END IF ; 

    IF INSTR( X , '&divide;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&divide;','÷') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital a, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Agrave;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Agrave;','À') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital a, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Aacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Aacute;','Á') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital a, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Acirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Acirc;','Â') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital a, tilde 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Atilde;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Atilde;','Ã') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital a, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Auml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Auml;','Ä') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital a, ring 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Aring;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Aring;','Å') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital ae 
    IF INSTR( X , '&AElig;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&AElig;','Æ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital c, cedilla 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Ccedil;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ccedil;','Ç') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital e, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Egrave;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Egrave;','È') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital e, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Eacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Eacute;','É') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital e, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Ecirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ecirc;','Ê') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital e, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Euml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Euml;','Ë') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital i, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Igrave;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Igrave;','Ì') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital i, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Iacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Iacute;','Í') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital i, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Icirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Icirc;','Î') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital i, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Iuml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Iuml;','Ï') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital eth, Icelandic 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ETH;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ETH;','Ð') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital n, tilde 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Ntilde;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ntilde;','Ñ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital o, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Ograve;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ograve;','Ò') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital o, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Oacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Oacute;','Ó') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital o, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Ocirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ocirc;','Ô') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital o, tilde 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Otilde;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Otilde;','Õ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital o, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Ouml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ouml;','Ö') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital o, slash 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Oslash;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Oslash;','Ø') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital u, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Ugrave;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ugrave;','Ù') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital u, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Uacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Uacute;','Ú') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital u, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Ucirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Ucirc;','Û') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital u, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Uuml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Uuml;','Ü') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital y, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&Yacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&Yacute;','Ý') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #capital THORN, Icelandic 
    IF INSTR( X , '&THORN;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&THORN;','Þ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small sharp s, German 
    IF INSTR( X , '&szlig;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&szlig;','ß') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small a, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&agrave;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&agrave;','à') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small a, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&aacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&aacute;','á') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small a, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&acirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&acirc;','â') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small a, tilde 
    IF INSTR( X , '&atilde;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&atilde;','ã') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small a, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&auml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&auml;','ä') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small a, ring 
    IF INSTR( X , '&aring;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&aring;','å') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small ae 
    IF INSTR( X , '&aelig;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&aelig;','æ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small c, cedilla 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ccedil;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ccedil;','ç') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small e, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&egrave;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&egrave;','è') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small e, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&eacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&eacute;','é') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small e, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ecirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ecirc;','ê') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small e, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&euml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&euml;','ë') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small i, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&igrave;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&igrave;','ì') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small i, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&iacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&iacute;','í') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small i, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&icirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&icirc;','î') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small i, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&iuml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&iuml;','ï') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small eth, Icelandic 
    IF INSTR( X , '&eth;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&eth;','ð') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small n, tilde 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ntilde;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ntilde;','ñ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small o, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ograve;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ograve;','ò') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small o, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&oacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&oacute;','ó') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small o, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ocirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ocirc;','ô') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small o, tilde 
    IF INSTR( X , '&otilde;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&otilde;','õ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small o, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ouml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ouml;','ö') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small o, slash 
    IF INSTR( X , '&oslash;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&oslash;','ø') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small u, grave accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ugrave;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ugrave;','ù') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small u, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&uacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&uacute;','ú') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small u, circumflex accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&ucirc;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&ucirc;','û') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small u, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&uuml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&uuml;','ü') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small y, acute accent 
    IF INSTR( X , '&yacute;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&yacute;','ý') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small thorn, Icelandic 
    IF INSTR( X , '&thorn;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&thorn;','þ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    #small y, umlaut mark 
    IF INSTR( X , '&yuml;' ) 
    THEN SET TextString = REPLACE(TextString, '&yuml;','ÿ') ; 
    END IF ; 

    RETURN TextString ; 



And execute below query :

SELECT HTML_UnEncode('this is a &lt;a&gt;test, nothing more');
like image 58
Bhargav Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10


This adds support for hex encoded numeric values (which I get from Perl using "use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities_numeric);".

    NO SQL

    DECLARE entity  TEXT CHARSET utf8;
    DECLARE pos1    INT DEFAULT 1;
    DECLARE pos2    INT;
    DECLARE codepoint   INT;

        RETURN NULL;
    END IF;
        SET pos1 = LOCATE('&#', tmp, pos1);
        IF pos1 = 0 THEN
            RETURN tmp;
        END IF;
        SET pos2 = LOCATE(';', tmp, pos1 + 2);
        IF pos2 > pos1 THEN
            SET entity = SUBSTRING(tmp, pos1, pos2 - pos1 + 1);
            IF entity REGEXP '^&#[[:digit:]]+;$' THEN
                SET codepoint = CAST(SUBSTRING(entity, 3, pos2 - pos1 - 2) AS UNSIGNED);
                IF codepoint > 31 THEN
                    SET tmp = CONCAT(LEFT(tmp, pos1 - 1), CHAR(codepoint USING utf32), SUBSTRING(tmp, pos2 + 1));
                END IF;
            END IF;
            IF entity REGEXP '^&#x[[:digit:]]+;$' THEN
                SET codepoint = CAST(CONV(SUBSTRING(entity, 4, pos2 - pos1 - 3), 16, 10) AS UNSIGNED);
                IF codepoint > 31 THEN
                    SET tmp = CONCAT(LEFT(tmp, pos1 - 1), CHAR(codepoint USING utf32), SUBSTRING(tmp, pos2 + 1));
                END IF;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        SET pos1 = pos1 + 1;
like image 3
user2948341 Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10
