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Is there a modern list of web-safe fonts? [closed]


If they are on an ancient browser let them burn.

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dolphone bubleine Avatar asked Sep 19 '12 03:09

dolphone bubleine

People also ask

How many web safe fonts are there?

Including variations, there are over 650,000 different fonts available online. Fonts that are supported by the majority of web browsers and operating systems are considered to be web safe. The operating system automatically includes the font files, so visitors don't have to download fonts from your servers.

Are web safe fonts still necessary?

Not All Users Will Have Certain Fonts That's definitely not a good thing. While this isn't likely to happen in 2022, it's still a possibility, especially with users that are using old hardware or are on slow connections. As such, you should always use some web safe fonts, even if just as a backup.

How can I tell if a font is web safe?

The ones that are found in both circles are considered to be web safe. If your site uses a font such as Calibri, Mac users may not see it. And if your site uses Futura, Windows users may not see it. Arial will be seen just the way it is by users of both operating systems.

1 Answers

You can find from here http://cssfontstack.com/ include the different system match.

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fen Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 14:12
