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What can I do to speed up this code?


I'm trying to learn Java, Scala, & Clojure.

I'm working through the Project Euler problems in the three languages. Listed below is the code for problem #5 (http://projecteuler.net/problem=5) as well as the run time (in seconds) so far on the first five problems. It is striking to me that the Java and Clojure versions are so much slower than the Scala one for problem #5. They are running on the same machine, same jvm, and the results are consistent over several trials. What can I do to speed the two up (especially the Clojure version)? Why is the Scala version so much faster?

Running Times (in seconds)

|---------|--------|--------|----------| | problem | Java   | Scala  | Clojure  | |=========|========|========|==========| |    1    |  .0010 |  .1570 |   .0116  | |    2    |  .0120 |  .0030 |   .0003  | |    3    |  .0530 |  .0200 |   .1511  | |    4    |  .2120 |  .2600 |   .8387  | |    5    | 3.9680 |  .3020 | 33.8574  | 

Java Version of Problem #5

public class Problem005 {    private static ArrayList<Integer> divisors;    private static void initializeDivisors(int ceiling) {     divisors = new ArrayList<Integer>();     for (Integer i = 1; i <= ceiling; i++)       divisors.add(i);   }    private static boolean isDivisibleByAll(int n) {     for (int divisor : divisors)       if (n % divisor != 0)         return false;     return true;   }    public static int findSmallestMultiple (int ceiling) {     initializeDivisors(ceiling);     int number = 1;     while (!isDivisibleByAll(number))       number++;     return number;   }  } 

Scala Version of Problem #5

object Problem005 {   private def isDivisibleByAll(n: Int, top: Int): Boolean =      (1 to top).forall(n % _ == 0)    def findSmallestMultiple(ceiling: Int): Int = {     def iter(n: Int): Int = if (isDivisibleByAll(n, ceiling)) n else iter(n+1)     iter(1)   }  } 

Clojure Verson of Problem #5

(defn smallest-multiple-of-1-to-n   [n]   (loop [divisors (range 2 (inc n))         i n]     (if (every? #(= 0 (mod i %)) divisors)       i       (recur divisors (inc i))))) 


It was suggested that I compile the various answers into my own answer. However, I want to give credit where credit is due (I really didn't answer this question myself).

As to the first question, all three versions could be sped up by using a better algorithm. Specifically, create a list of the greatest common factors of the numbers 1-20 (2^4, 3^2, 5^1, 7^1, 11^1, 13^1, 17^1, 19^1) and multiply them out.

The far more interesting aspect is to understand the differences between the three languages using essentially the same algorithm. There are instances where a brute force algorithm such as this one can be helpful. So, why the performance difference?

For Java, one suggestion was to change the ArrayList to a primitive array of ints. This does decrease the running time, cutting about 0.5 - 1 second off (I just ran it this morning and it cut the running time from 4.386 seconds to 3.577 seconds. That cuts down a bit, but no one was able to come up with a way to bring it to under a half second (similar to the Scala version). This is surprising considering that all three compile down to java byte-code. There was a suggestion by @didierc to use an immutable iterator; I tested this suggestion, and it increased the running time to just over 5 seconds.

For Clojure, @mikera and @Webb give several suggestions to speed things up. They suggest to use loop/recur for fast iteration with two loop variables, unchecked-math for slightly faster maths operations (since we know there is no danger of overflow here), use primitive longs rather than boxed numbers, and avoid higher order functions like every?

Running the code of @mikera, I end up with a running time of 2.453 seconds, not quite as good as the scala code, but much better than my original version and better than the Java version:

(set! *unchecked-math* true)  (defn euler5    []   (loop [n 1           d 2]     (if (== 0 (unchecked-remainder-int n d))       (if (>= d 20) n (recur n (inc d)))       (recur (inc n) 2))))  (defn is-divisible-by-all?   [number divisors]   (= 0 (reduce + (map #(mod 2 %) divisors)))) 

For Scala, @didierc states that the range object 1 to 20 isn't actually a list of objects but rather one object. Very cool. Thus, the performance difference in Scala is that the we iterate over a single object instead of the list/array of integers 1-20.

In fact, if I change the helper function in the scala method from a range object to a list (see below), then the running time of the scala version increases from 0.302 seconds to 226.59 seconds.

private def isDivisibleByAll2(n: Int, top: Int): Boolean = {     def divisors: List[Int] = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)     divisors.forall(n % _ == 0)   } 

Thus, it appears that @didierc has correctly identified the advantage scala has in this instance. It would be interesting to know how this type of object might be implemented in java and clojure.

@didierc suggestion to improve the code by creating an ImmutableRange class, as follows:

import java.util.Iterator; import java.lang.Iterable;  public class ImmutableRange implements Iterable<Integer> {    class ImmutableRangeIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {     private int counter, end, step;      public ImmutableRangeIterator(int start_, int end_, int step_) {       end = end_;       step = step_;       counter = start_;     }      public boolean hasNext(){       if (step>0) return counter  <= end;       else return counter >= end;     }      public Integer next(){       int r = counter;       counter+=step;       return r;     }      public void remove(){       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();     }    }    private int start, end, step;    public ImmutableRange(int start_, int end_, int step_){     // fix-me: properly check for parameters consistency     start = start_;     end = end_;     step = step_;   }    public Iterator<Integer> iterator(){     return new ImmutableRangeIterator(start,end,step);   } } 

did not improve the running time. The java version ran at 5.097 seconds on my machine. Thus, at the end, we have a satisfactory answer as to why the Scala version performs better, we understand how to improve the performance of the Clojure version, but what is missing would be to understand how to implement a Scala's immutable range object in Java.


As several have commented, the the most effective way to improve the running time of this code is to use a better algorithm. For example, the following java code computes the answer in less than 1 millisecond using the Sieve of Eratosthenes and Trial Division:

/**  * Smallest Multiple  *  * 2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers   * from 1 to 10 without any remainder. What is the smallest positive number  * that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?  *  * User: Alexandros Bantis  * Date: 1/29/13  * Time: 7:06 PM  */ public class Problem005 {    final private static int CROSSED_OUT = 0;   final private static int NOT_CROSSED_OUT = 1;    private static int intPow(int base, int exponent) {     int value = 1;     for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i++)       value *= base;     return value;   }    /**    * primesTo computes all primes numbers up to n using trial by     * division algorithm    *    * @param n designates primes should be in the range 2 ... n    * @return int[] a sieve of all prime factors     *              (0=CROSSED_OUT, 1=NOT_CROSSED_OUT)    */   private static int[] primesTo(int n) {     int ceiling = (int) Math.sqrt(n * 1.0) + 1;     int[] sieve = new int[n+1];      // set default values     for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)       sieve[i] = NOT_CROSSED_OUT;      // cross out sieve values     for (int i = 2; i <= ceiling; i++)       for (int j = 2; i*j <= n; j++)         sieve[i*j] = CROSSED_OUT;     return sieve;   }     /**    * getPrimeExp computes a prime factorization of n    *    * @param n the number subject to prime factorization    * @return int[] an array of exponents for prime factors of n    *               thus 8 => (0^0, 1^0, 2^3, 3^0, 4^0, 5^0, 6^0, 7^0, 8^0)    */   public static int[] getPrimeExp(int n) {     int[] factor = primesTo(n);     int[] primePowAll = new int[n+1];      // set prime_factor_exponent for all factor/exponent pairs     for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {       if (factor[i] != CROSSED_OUT) {         while (true) {           if (n % i == 0) {           n /= i;           primePowAll[i] += 1;           } else {             break;           }         }       }     }      return primePowAll;   }    /**    * findSmallestMultiple computes the smallest number evenly divisible     * by all numbers 1 to n    *    * @param n the top of the range    * @return int evenly divisible by all numbers 1 to n    */   public static int findSmallestMultiple(int n) {     int[] gcfAll = new int[n+1];      // populate greatest common factor arrays     int[] gcfThis = null;     for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {       gcfThis = getPrimeExp(i);       for (int j = 2; j <= i; j++) {         if (gcfThis[j] > 0 && gcfThis[j] > gcfAll[j]) {           gcfAll[j] = gcfThis[j];         }       }     }      // multiply out gcf arrays     int value = 1;     for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {       if (gcfAll[i] > 0)         value *= intPow(i, gcfAll[i]);     }     return value;   } } 
like image 940
Alex Avatar asked Feb 03 '13 00:02


People also ask

How do you speed up code in Python?

Use the Built-In Functions Many of Python's built-in functions are written in C, which makes them much faster than a pure python solution. Take a very simple task of summing a lot of numbers. We could loop through each number, summing as we go.

2 Answers

Here's a much faster version in Clojure:

(set! *unchecked-math* true)  (defn euler5 []   (loop [n 1           d 2)]     (if (== 0 (unchecked-remainder-int n d))       (if (>= d 20) n (recur n (inc d)))       (recur (inc n) 2))))  (time (euler5)) => "Elapsed time: 2438.761237 msecs" 

i.e. it is around the same speed as your Java version.

The key tricks are:

  • use loop/recur for fast iteration with two loop variables
  • use unchecked-math for slightly faster maths operations (since we know there is no danger of overflow here)
  • use primitive longs rather than boxed numbers
  • avoid higher order functions like every? - they have a higher overhead than the low level operations

Obviously, if you really care about speed you would pick a better algorithm :-)

like image 64
mikera Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10


Scala is faster because the other solutions create explicit collections for no reason. In Scala, 1 to top creates an object that represents the numbers from 1 to top but doesn't explicitly list them anywhere. In Java, you do explicitly create the list--and it's a lot faster to create one object than an array of 20 (actually 21 objects, since ArrayList is also an object) every iteration.

(Note that none of the versions are actually anywhere near optimal. See "least common multiple", which is what Eastsun is doing without mentioning it.)

like image 28
Rex Kerr Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10

Rex Kerr