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Is there a maximum size for application settings?

Background: I had a large xml string in a Setting and it failed to deserialize. The XmlSerializer complained it was not valid xml. When looking at the string in Project > Settings it looked truncated.

I googled for if there is a limit in size for application settings but did not find anything.

Then I tried to reproduce it using dummydata generated with the following code:

public void DumpDummyData()
    int n = 500;
    var s = new string('a', 100);
    using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(@"C:\Temp\"+n+".txt"))
        using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream))

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                writer.WriteLine( i +" " +s);

The string is truncated at row 310 when pasting the contents of the file in a setting. Tried it in two different projects.

My question is what is the limit for app settings size?

like image 301
Johan Larsson Avatar asked Dec 08 '13 18:12

Johan Larsson

1 Answers

so I did a quick test

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

the test setting contains a long text, over 50,000 characters

it does work.

what i did is I changed the app.config manually not from the visual studio solution properties setting.

I assume the setting screen use default maximum value. default maximum value for a textbox is 32,767 characters.

so can you try your test again by changing the app.config by yourself?

do not use the visual studio solution properties setting screen.

like image 112
Fredou Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
