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Concatenating three lists into one with LINQ throws an exception

Ok, I must be doing something dumb, but shouldn't this work? I have following three lists:

var commonViews = (from v in context.TPM_VIEWS where v.VIEWID < 0 select v); // IQueryable<TPM_VIEWS>
var ownedViews = (from v in context.TPM_VIEWS where v.OWNERID == userId && v.VIEWID > 0 select v); // IQueryable<TPM_VIEWS>
var sharedViews = (from v in context.TPM_USER.Include("TPM_VIEWS2") where v.USERID == userId select v).First().TPM_VIEWS2; // EntityCollection<TPM_VIEWS>

Each list has the proper values and count. I can return any one of these lists:

return commonViews.ToList();

And I can return a any two of these lists:

return commonViews.Concat(ownedViews).ToList();

However, when I try to return all three:

return commonViews.Concat(ownedViews).Concat(sharedViews).ToList();

I get the exception:

Unable to create a constant value of type 'Entity.TPM_VIEWS'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.

What am I doing wrong? All three values are indeed enumerable. Mostly, I'm asking this question because it's the best possible way to guarantee I'll notice the problem 30 seconds after posting.


I'm 93% sure the problem is here:

var sharedViews = (from v in context.TPM_USER.Include("TPM_VIEWS2") where v.USERID == userId select v).First().TPM_VIEWS2;

This looks like an enumerable list of TPM_VIEWS object, and I can call ToList() on it and get the correct data, but it doesn't play well with the other lists.


This actually works. Points to the person who can tell me why!

like image 971
Mike Christensen Avatar asked Jul 18 '13 21:07

Mike Christensen

1 Answers

The problem is that Concat() on an EF IQueryable<T> will turn the entire concatenation into a single query.

When you call .Concat(sharedViews), you're passing a scalar (pre-loaded) collection of your nested entity class.
EF doesn't know how to convert that into a query, so it complains.

You can make it faster by calling AsEnumerable() instead of ToList().

like image 102
SLaks Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
