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Is there a LINQ equivalent of string.Join(string, string[]) [duplicate]

Is there any way to convert a collection of objects into a single new object using LINQ?

I want to use this within another LINQ to SQL expression.

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Matthew Dresser Avatar asked Jun 01 '09 12:06

Matthew Dresser

2 Answers

Why don't you use the string.Join itself?

string.Join("<br/>", collection.Select(e => e.TextProp).ToArray());
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bruno conde Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

bruno conde

You can use the Aggregate method...

var myResults = (from myString in MyStrings
                 select myString)
                .Aggregate(string.Empty, (results, nextString) 
                   => string.Format("{0}<br />{1}", results, nextString));


var myResults = MyStrings.Aggregate(string.Empty, (results, nextString) 
                   => string.Format("{0}<br />{1}", results, nextString));
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Scott Ivey Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Scott Ivey