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Is there a keyboard shortcut for the method dropdown list in Visual Studio 2010's VB.NET code editor?

In Visual Studio, there is a method dropdown list in VB code editor windows. This is highlighted in the screenshot below.

I would like to find out whether there is a default keyboard shortcut to access this list, or if such a keyboard binding can be manually set up (and if so, how)?

Dropdown list in upper right corner of the VB.NET code editor window

like image 697
stakx - no longer contributing Avatar asked Oct 11 '13 07:10

stakx - no longer contributing

1 Answers

Ctrl + F2 is assigned as a default shortcut key to move the cursor to Navigation Bar. (L.H.S is classes dropdown and R.H.S is methods dropdown.)

You can use Tab to jump to methods dropdown.

The whole combination that you need is Ctrl + F2 + Tab.

Hope this will help you.

like image 164
Aung Kaung Hein Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Aung Kaung Hein