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Is there a job scheduler library for node.js? [closed]

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How do I schedule a job in node js?

Node Schedule is a flexible cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node. js. It allows you to schedule jobs (arbitrary functions) for execution at specific dates, with optional recurrence rules. It only uses a single timer at any given time (rather than reevaluating upcoming jobs every second/ minute).

Is node-cron blocking?

First, node-cron has the same merits and demerits as Node. js, being a runtime of JavaScript, which happens to be a non-blocking single-threaded language that uses the event loop.

How do I run a cron job in node js manually?

After installation using the command npm i node-cron , it must be required into the project like any other Node package: const nodeCron = require("node-cron"); To schedule a job, you need to invoke the nodeCron. schedule method with two arguments.

What is Agenda in Nodejs?

Agenda uses a MongoDB database to persist scheduled tasks(and the parameters needed for the task) so that even if the server goes down, the tasks will still run at the specified time or intervals. Using Agenda: npm install agenda.

node-cron does just what I described

node-schedule A cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node.

agenda is a Lightweight job scheduling for node. This will help you.

later.js is a pretty good JavaScript "scheduler" library. Can run on Node.js or in a web browser.

I am using kue: https://github.com/learnboost/kue . It is pretty nice.

The official features and my comments:

  1. delayed jobs.
    • If you want to let the job run at a specific time, calculate the milliseconds between that time and now. Call job.delay(milliseconds) (The doc says minutes, which is wrong.) Don't forget to add "jobs.promote();" when you init jobs.
  2. job event and progress pubsub.
    • I don't understand it.
  3. rich integrated UI.
    • Very useful. You can check the job status (done, running, delayed) in integrated UI and don't need to write any code. And you can delete old records in UI.
  4. infinite scrolling
    • Sometimes not working. Have to refresh.
  5. UI progress indication
    • Good for the time-consuming jobs.
  6. job specific logging
    • Because they are delayed jobs, you should log useful info in the job and check later through UI.
  7. powered by Redis
    • Very useful. When you restart your node.js app, all job records are still there and the scheduled jobs will execute too!
  8. optional retries
    • Nice.
  9. full-text search capabilities
    • Good.
  10. RESTful JSON API
    • Sound good, but I never use it.


  1. kue is not a cron like library.
  2. By default kue does not supports job which runs repeatedly (e.g. every Sunday).

You can use timexe

It's simple to use, light weight, has no dependencies, has an improved syntax over cron, with a resolution in milliseconds and works in the browser.


npm install timexe


var timexe = require('timexe');
var res = timexe("* * * 15 30", function(){ console.log("It's now 3:30 pm"); });

(I'm the author)

node-crontab allows you to edit system cron jobs from node.js. Using this library will allow you to run programs even after your main process termintates. Disclaimer: I'm the developer.