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Spring Scheduling: @Scheduled vs Quartz

I'm reading the Spring 3.0 docs regarding scheduling. I'm leaning towards Spring's JobDetailBean for Quartz. However, the @Scheduled annotation has captured my eye. It appears this is another way of scheduling task using the Spring Framework. Based on the docs, Spring provides three way of scheduling:

  1. @Scheduled
  2. Via Quartz
  3. Via JDK Timer

I have no interest in the JDK Timer. Why should I choose @Scheduled over Quartz? (When I mention Quartz I mean using Spring's bean wrapper for Quartz).

Let's say my use case is complex enough that I will be communicating to a third-party web service to import and export data at specified intervals.

like image 693
chris Avatar asked Dec 08 '10 09:12


People also ask

Does spring use quartz?

Spring Boot has built-in support for Quartz. It automatically creates a Quartz Scheduler bean with the configuration that we supplied in the application. properties file. That's why we could directly inject the Scheduler in the controller.

What is @scheduled in spring?

Spring Core. Spring provides excellent support for both task scheduling and asynchronous method execution based on cron expression using @Scheduled annotation. The @Scheduled annotation can be added to a method along with trigger metadata.

What is @scheduled in spring boot?

The @EnableScheduling annotation is used to enable the scheduler for your application. This annotation should be added into the main Spring Boot application class file. @SpringBootApplication @EnableScheduling public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.

1 Answers

Quartz is an order of magnitude more complex than Spring's built in scheduler, including support for persistent, transactional and distributed jobs. It's a bit of a pig, though, even with Spring's API support.

If all you need to is to execute methods on a bean every X seconds, or on a cron schedule, then @Scheduled (or the various options in Spring's <task> config schema) is probably enough

like image 77
skaffman Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09
