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Is there a JavaScript MVC (micro-)framework? [closed]

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Is there an MVC for JavaScript?

The MVC architecture is very useful in JavaScript as it offers more than allowing developers to create modular code. For instance, since the Model in MVC returns data without formatting, the same components can be called for use in different interfaces. This allows for code reusability.

Is MVC pattern still used?

The concept of MVCs was first introduced by Trygve Reenskaug, who proposed it as a way to develop desktop application GUIs. Today the MVC pattern is used for modern web applications because it allows the application to be scalable, maintainable, and easy to expand.

What is JavaScript MVC framework?

MVC frameworks are libraries that can be included alongside JavaScript to provide a layer of abstraction on top of the core language. Their goal is to help structure the code-base and separate the concerns of an application into three parts: Model - Represents the data of the application.

Backbone is a great light-weight framework. Give it a try: http://backbonejs.org/

JavaScriptMVC is an excellent solution. It's everything is a plugin approach enables you to select only the features you need. As of 2.0, it's based on jQuery.

On progressively enhancing your website, that's left up to the user as JMVC provides just a middle layer for development - it's up to you to make that design choice yourself.

However, JavaScriptMVC is simply the best general purpose JavaScriptMVC library because of its powerful event delegation based controllers.

Event delegation lets you escape having to attach event handlers, and simply create rules for your page.

Finally, JMVC is much more than a MVC architecture. It has all parts of the development cycle covered with:

  • Code Generators
  • Selenium and Env.js integrated testing
  • Documentation Engine
  • Automatic Concat+Compress
  • Error detection and reporting

Spine has an API similar to Backbone but it's a lot smaller. It features prototypal inheritance.

AngularJS works well together with jQuery and will help you a lot with MVC structure and strict separation of concerns.

Full testing environment and Dependency Injection included...

Check it out at http://angularjs.org

Indeed there is: http://www.javascriptmvc.com/

I think you will find this sufficient!

I think this one looks like something you should check out: http://knockoutjs.com/

(As a silverlight / wpf programmer this was the library that made me finally start learning javascript. It is based on the Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) pattern, as for me right now seems like a good choise!)