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React eslint error missing in props validation

I have the next code, eslint throw:

react/prop-types onClickOut; is missing in props validation

react/prop-types children; is missing in props validation

propTypes was defined but eslint does not recognize it.

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';  class IxClickOut extends Component {   static propTypes = {     children: PropTypes.any,     onClickOut: PropTypes.func,   };   componentDidMount() {     document.getElementById('app')       .addEventListener('click', this.handleClick);   }    componentWillUnmount() {     document.getElementById('app')       .removeEventListener('click', this.handleClick);   }    handleClick = ({ target }: { target: EventTarget }) => {     if (!this.containerRef.contains(target)) {       this.props.onClickOut();     }   };    containerRef: HTMLElement;    render() {     const { children, ...rest } = this.props;     const filteredProps = _.omit(rest, 'onClickOut');      return (       <div         {...filteredProps}         ref={container => {           this.containerRef = container;         }}       >         {children}       </div>     );   } }  export default IxClickOut; 


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like image 714
cristian camilo cedeño gallego Avatar asked Jul 31 '16 14:07

cristian camilo cedeño gallego

People also ask

Is missing in props validation ESLint fix?

To fix ESLint error missing in props validation with React, we can add a comment or disable the rule globally with a config. to disable prop type check for the line immediately below the comment in our code. in . eslintrc to disable the prop type validation rule for the whole project.

How do you validate props in React?

React JS has an inbuilt feature for validating props data type to make sure that values passed through props are valid. React components have a property called propTypes which is used to setup data type validation. Syntax: The syntax to use propTypes is shown below. class Component extends React.

What is a Proptype in React?

PropTypes are a good first line defense when it comes to debugging your apps. But before getting into detail about PropTypes, we have to understand the concept of props. Props are the read-only properties that are shared between components to give the unidirectional flow of React a dynamic touch.

1 Answers

You need to define propTypes as a static getter if you want it inside the class declaration:

static get propTypes() {      return {          children: PropTypes.any,          onClickOut: PropTypes.func      };  } 

If you want to define it as an object, you need to define it outside the class, like this:

IxClickOut.propTypes = {     children: PropTypes.any,     onClickOut: PropTypes.func, }; 

Also it's better if you import prop types from prop-types, not react, otherwise you'll see warnings in console (as preparation for React 16):

import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; 
like image 99
Omri Aharon Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Omri Aharon