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Is there a hotkey to switch between split window panes?

People also ask

How do I toggle between split screens?

To switch between the different windows, you can use the combination alt + tab. This way, I'll select my active window on the left side. Same as before, by using Windows + up arrow I'm going to split the left screen as well.

How do you switch between split panes in Vscode?

Splitting. To split the editor, you can use ctrl + \ ( ⌘ + \ ). There's no limit to how many times you can split the editor, but I doubt you will ever want to have more than three views open; it is just not practical beyond that. You can switch between views using ctrl + 1 ( ⌘ + 1 ), ctrl + 2 ( ⌘ + 2 ), and so on.

How do I switch between split Windows in Intellij?

In the editor, press Ctrl+Tab . Keep pressing Ctrl for the Switcher window to stay open. Use Tab to switch between tabs and other files.

How do I switch between tabs in Vscode?

When using Visual Studio Code on Windows, you can use CTRL + PAGE_UP to switch to the previous tab, and CTRL + PAGE_DN to switch to the next tab. You also have the ability to switch to tabs based on their (non-zero relative) index. You can do so, by pressing and holding ALT , followed by a number (1 through 9).


For Windows: Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2 and Ctrl+3.

For Mac: Cmd+1, Cmd+2 and Cmd+3.

There is no circular switch between panes, similar to what Ctrl+tabs does for files, though.

If you're used to working in vim (and/or tmux) and want to move around with ctrl+hjkl

add these to keybindings.json

        "key": "ctrl+h",
        "command": "workbench.action.navigateLeft"
        "key": "ctrl+l",
        "command": "workbench.action.navigateRight"
        "key": "ctrl+k",
        "command": "workbench.action.navigateUp"
        "key": "ctrl+j",
        "command": "workbench.action.navigateDown"

Use F6 to Cycle Between Editor Groups

There is a circular switch between panes. It's called "Cycle Between Editor Groups."

Out of the box, it is unassigned. We can assign it to F6.

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.
  3. Add the following entry to keybindings.json.
  4. You do not have to restart code. It already works.


// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
        "key": "f6", 
        "command": "workbench.action.navigateEditorGroups" 


Alternatively, use the out of the box window management hotkeys.

  • Ctrl +1 Focus into Left Editor Group
  • Ctrl +2 Focus into Side Editor Group
  • Ctrl +3 Focus into Right Editor Group
  • Ctrl +K Ctrl+Left Focus into Editor Group on the Left
  • Ctrl +K Ctrl+Right Focus into Editor Group on the Right

For Mac users and the latest VS Code 1.17:

  1. Switching between panes - Cmd+[1,2,3...], where 1,2,3 is the pane number
  2. Cycling between all open files:
  • forward - Cmd+Shift+]
  • backwards - Cmd+Shift+[

Alt+ and Alt+ works out of the box on Windows. It will only switch between split screen panes and it will not reactivate inactive files inside the panes.

Another way is to use Ctrl + PageUp/PageDow to switch between panes.

If you mean editor group, here it is.

enter image description here