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is there a function in lodash to replace matched item

People also ask

How do you remove an element from an object in Lodash?

The Lodash _. unset() method is used to remove the property at the path of the object. If the property is removed then it returns True value otherwise, it returns False.

What is Uniq in Lodash?

'uniq' The Lodash uniq method creates an array without duplicate values. Only the first occurrence of each value appears in the returned array. Since JavaScript already has the set data structure, we can use that with the spread operator to remove all the duplicates from the original array and return it.

What does Lodash filter do?

Lodash helps in working with arrays, collection, strings, objects, numbers etc. The _. filter() method iterates over elements of collection, returning an array of all elements predicate returns true.

What is Lodash remove?

remove() method in Lodash removes all the elements from an array that returns a truthy value for the specified predicate. This method will mutate the original array and return an array of all the removed elements.

In your case all you need to do is to find object in array and use Array.prototype.splice() method, read more details here:

var arr = [{id: 1, name: "Person 1"}, {id:2, name:"Person 2"}];

// Find item index using _.findIndex (thanks @AJ Richardson for comment)
var index = _.findIndex(arr, {id: 1});

// Replace item at index using native splice
arr.splice(index, 1, {id: 100, name: 'New object.'});

// "console.log" result
document.write(JSON.stringify( arr ));
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/2.4.1/lodash.min.js"></script>

Seems like the simplest solution would to use ES6's .map or lodash's _.map:

var arr = [{id: 1, name: "Person 1"}, {id: 2, name: "Person 2"}];

// lodash
var newArr = _.map(arr, function(a) {
  return a.id === 1 ? {id: 1, name: "Person New Name"} : a;

// ES6
var newArr = arr.map(function(a) {
  return a.id === 1 ? {id: 1, name: "Person New Name"} : a;

This has the nice effect of avoiding mutating the original array.

[ES6] This code works for me.

let result = array.map(item => item.id === updatedItem.id ? updatedItem : item)

function findAndReplace(arr, find, replace) {
  let i;
  for(i=0; i < arr.length && arr[i].id != find.id; i++) {}
  i < arr.length ? arr[i] = replace : arr.push(replace);

Now let's test performance for all methods:

// TC's first approach
function first(arr, a, b) {
  _.each(arr, function (x, idx) {
    if (x.id === a.id) {
      arr[idx] = b;
      return false;

// solution with merge
function second(arr, a, b) {
  const match = _.find(arr, a);
  if (match) {
    _.merge(match, b);
  } else {

// most voted solution
function third(arr, a, b) {
  const match = _.find(arr, a);
  if (match) {
    var index = _.indexOf(arr, _.find(arr, a));
    arr.splice(index, 1, b);
  } else {

// my approach
function fourth(arr, a, b){
  let l;
  for(l=0; l < arr.length && arr[l].id != a.id; l++) {}
  l < arr.length ? arr[l] = b : arr.push(b);

function test(fn, times, el) {
  const arr = [], size = 250;
  for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    arr[i] = {id: i, name: `name_${i}`, test: "test"};

  let start = Date.now();
  _.times(times, () => {
    const id = Math.round(Math.random() * size);
    const a = {id};
    const b = {id, name: `${id}_name`};
    fn(arr, a, b);
  el.innerHTML = Date.now() - start;

test(first, 1e5, document.getElementById("first"));
test(second, 1e5, document.getElementById("second"));
test(third, 1e5, document.getElementById("third"));
test(fourth, 1e5, document.getElementById("fourth"));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.14.1/lodash.min.js"></script>
    <li><b id="first"></b> ms [TC's first approach]</li>
    <li><b id="second"></b> ms [solution with merge]</li>
    <li><b id="third"></b> ms [most voted solution]</li>
    <li><b id="fourth"></b> ms [my approach]</li>