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Is there a flag you can set to disable auto suggest behavior for an HTML field on iPad/iPhone/Android/etc

For desktop browsers I can set this on a field to disable the auto-completion list based on recent entries.

<input type="text" name="username" autocomplete="off"/>

However this doesn't disable the auto-suggestion feature of iPad / iPhone / Android / etc. which can be very frustrating if your username is a concatination of your first/last name or if your device thinks you want to upper case the first letter.

e.g. "jsmith" either becomes "Smith" because it thinks you miss-spelled it or "Jsmith" to try and be nice... neither of which is really desired.

Thus the question is... is there a way to disable this behavior on a per field basis?

like image 295
scunliffe Avatar asked Dec 08 '10 20:12


1 Answers

You are wanting to use the attribute autocorrect instead of autocomplete. The attribute autocomplete is used for form autofill.

like image 84
JoshMWilliams Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10
