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Is there a favored idiom for mimicing Java's try/finally in C++?

Been doing Java for number of years so haven't been tracking C++. Has finally clause been added to C++ exception handling in the language definition?

Is there a favored idiom that mimics Java's try/finally?

Am also bothered that C++ doesn't have an ultimate super type for all possible exceptions that could be thrown - like Java's Throwable class.

I can write:

try {
  // do something
} catch(...) {
  // alas, can't examine the exception
  // can only do cleanup code and perhaps rethrow, ala:


I ended up accepting the answer that had the most up votes, i.e., use destructors to do cleanup. Of course, from my own comments, it is clear I don't entirely agree with that. However, C++ is what it is and so in the application endeavor I have in mind, I'm going to more or less strive to adhere to common community practice. I'll use template classes to wrap resources that don't already have a class destructor (i.e., C library resources), thus bestowing on them destructor semantics.


Hmm, instead of finally then a closure feature perhaps? A closure combined with ScopeGuard approach (see one of the answers below) would be a way to accomplish cleanup with arbitrary actions and access to the cleanup code's outer scope context. Cleanup could be done in the idiom fashion that is seen in Ruby programming where they supply cleanup blocks when a resource is being opened. Isn't a closure feature being considered for C++?

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RogerV Avatar asked Feb 01 '09 05:02


People also ask

Can we use finally with try?

What Is finally? finally defines a block of code we use along with the try keyword. It defines code that's always run after the try and any catch block, before the method is completed. The finally block executes regardless of whether an exception is thrown or caught.

What is the point of finally in try catch Java?

The purpose of a finally block is to ensure that code gets run in three circumstances which would not very cleanly be handled using "catch" blocks alone: If code within the try block exits via return.

Can we just use try instead of finally and catch blocks?

Yes, It is possible to have a try block without a catch block by using a final block. As we know, a final block will always execute even there is an exception occurred in a try block, except System.

What is the point of try finally?

By using a finally block, you can clean up any resources that are allocated in a try block, and you can run code even if an exception occurs in the try block.

2 Answers

By making effective use of destructors. When an exception is thrown in a try block, any object created within it will be destroyed immediately (and hence its destructor called).

This is different from Java where you have no idea when an object's finalizer will be called.

UPDATE: Straight from the horse's mouth: Why doesn't C++ provide a "finally" construct?

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Jason Baker Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Jason Baker

My $.02. I've been programming in managed languages like C# and Java for years, but was forced to make the switch to C++ for the purposes of speed. At first I couldn't believe how I had to write out the method signature twice in the header file and then the cpp file, and I didn't like how there was no finally block, and no garbage collection meant tracking memory leaks everywhere - gosh I didn't like it at all!

However, as I said I was forced to use C++. So I was forced to seriously learn it, and now I've finally understood all the programming idioms like RAII and I get all the subtleties of the language and such. It took me a while but now I see just how different of a language it is compared to C# or Java.

These days I think C++ is the best language there is! Yes, I can understand that there is a little more what I call 'chaff' sometimes (seemingly unnecessary stuff to write), but after actually using the language seriously, I've changed my mind about it completely.

I used to have memory leaks all the time. I used to write all my code into the .h file because I hated the separation of code, I couldn't understand why they would do that! And I used to always end up with stupid cyclic include dependencies, and heaps more. I was really hung up on C# or Java, to me C++ was a huge step down. These days I get it. I almost never have memory leaks, I enjoy the separation of interface and implementation, and I don't have problems with cycle dependencies anymore.

And I don't miss the finally block either. To be honest, my opinion is that these C++ programmers that you talk about writing repeated cleanup actions in catch blocks just sound to me like they're just bad C++ programmers. I mean, it doesn't look like any of the other C++ programmers in this thread are having any of the problems you mention. RAII really does make finally redundant, and if anything, it's less work. You write one destructor and then you never have to write another finally ever! Well at least for that type.

With respect, what I think is going on is you're just used to Java now, just like I had been.

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Ray Hidayat Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Ray Hidayat