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How to read code without any struggle

I am a new to professional development. I mean I have only 5 months of professional development experience. Before that I have studied it by myself or at university. So I was looking over questions and found here a question about code quality. And I got a question related to it myself. How do I increase my code understanding/reading skills? Also will it improve the code quality I will write? Is there better code notation than Hungarian one? And is there any really good books for C++ design patterns(or the language doesn't matter?)? Thank you in advance answering these questions and helping me improving :)

P.S. - Also I have forgot to tell you that I am developing with C++ and C# languages.

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faya Avatar asked Jul 30 '09 14:07


People also ask

Why is reading code so hard?

The first reason code is harder to read than to write has to do with the sheer amount of data you need to keep in your head in order to read code. When you write code, you only need to remember the variables, algorithms, data, etc. relevant to the feature your are currently writing.

Is it normal to struggle with coding?

Struggling to learn code is completely normal and expected. Most beginners go through at least one rough patch (and often several) while they're learning to code, but the good news is that a lot of these rough patches involve similar obstacles.

How do you not get intimidated by coding?

Don't rush and don't be intimidated by how much you don't understand. Learning how to break down code into smaller chunks will help you understand what each code is doing. You'll learn faster, too. This skill will be useful when you take on larger tasks or when you work with a team.

2 Answers

I can't speak for everyone else, but in my experience I've found that the best thing I learned about making readable and/or in general better code was reading (and ultimately cleaning) a lot of other people's code. Some people may disagree with me but I think it's invaluable. Here's my reasoning:

  • When you start programming, its difficult to determine what is crap vs. not crap vs. good. Being logical, rational and extremely intelligent help in making good code, but even those factors don't always contribute. By reading others works and doing the dirty work, you'll have gone through the experience of what works and what doesn't. Eventually, you'll be able to mentally navigate those minefields that others had to cross and you'll be prepared to avoid those identical minefields.

  • By reading other's works, you gain insight into their mind and how they tackle a problem. Just from an architecture or technique aspect, this can be very useful to you whether their tactics were good or bad. By reading other peoples successful or unsuccessful implementation, you've gained that knowledge without putting in the actual time it took them to learn it.

  • Design patterns are extremely useful. Only time and experience with them will help you in knowing what the appropriate pattern for whichever problem. Again, read other peoples' code for this if they've successfully built some pattern that may be useful for you.

  • When dealing with extreme problems where people's work falls short, you learn to research and dive into the internals of whatever system/language/platform/framework you're working with. This research ability on your own is very useful when all else fails. But you'll never know when to start looking or for what until you get through the crud of other people's work. Good code or bad, it's all valuable in some form or fashion.

  • All these notations and formats and nomenclature are helpful, but can be learned or implemented rather quickly and their payoff is fairly substantial. By reading code from other people, you'll develop your own style of logic. As you encounter other peoples work and the tremendous amount of effort it takes to read through, you'll learn what logical pitfalls to avoid and what to implement the next time for yourself or even how to fix bad code even faster.

I've never felt as if I was a great programmer. Not to say I'm a bad one either, but I feel confident in my abilities as my experience has taught me so much and my ability to adapt to every situation is what makes me a solid programmer. Learning from other people and their code has helped me. Whether their work was good or bad, there's always something you can take from them and their experience, add it to your memories, knowledge, etc.etc.

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osij2is Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09


How do I increase my code understanding/reading skills?

Read read read. Learn from your mistakes. Review answers on SO and elsewhere. When you can think back on a piece of code you wrote and go "aha! I should've done xyz instead!" then you're learning. Read a good book for your language of choice, get beyond the basics and understand more advanced concepts.

Then, apart from reading: write write write! Coding is like math: you won't fully grock it without actually solving problems. Glancing at a math problem's solution is different than getting out a blank piece of paper and solving it yourself.

If you can, do some pair programming too to see how others code and bounce ideas around.

Also will it improve the code quality I will write?

See above. As you progress you should get more efficient. It won't happen by reading a book on design patterns. It will happen by solving real world problems and understanding why what you read works.

Is there better code notation than Hungarian one?

It depends. Generally I avoid them and use descriptive names. The one exception where I might use Hungarian type of notations is for UI elements such as Windows Forms or ASP.NET controls, for example: using btn as a prefix for a Submit button (btnSubmit), txt for a TextBox (txtFirstName), and so on but it differs from project to project depending on approach and patterns utilized.

With regards to UI elements, some people like to keep things alphabetical and may append the control type at the end, so the previous examples become submitButton and firstNameTextBox, respectively. In Windows Forms many people name forms as frmMain, which is Hungarian, while others prefer naming it based on the application name or form purpose, such as MainForm, ReportForm, etc.

EDIT: be sure to check out the difference between Apps Hungarian and Systems Hungarian as mentioned by @Tobias Langner in a comment to an earlier response.

Pascal Case is generally used for method names, classes, and properties, where the first letter of each word is capitalized. For local variables Camel Case is typically used, where the first letter of the first word is lowercase and subsequent words have their first letters capitalized.

You can check out the naming conventions and more from the .NET Framework Design Guidelines. There is a book and some of it is on MSDN.

And is there any really good books for C++ design patterns(or the language doesn't matter?)?

Design patterns should be applicable to any language. Once you understand the concept and the reasoning behind that pattern's usefulness you should be able to apply it in your language of choice. Of course, don't approach everything with a "written in stone" attitude; the pattern is the goal, the implementation might differ slightly between languages depending on language features available to you. Take the Decorator pattern for example, and see how C# extension methods allow it to be implemented differently than without it.

Design Pattern books:

Head First Design Patterns - good beginner intro using Java but code is available for C++ and C# as a download (see "book code and downloads" section on the book's site)

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software - classic gang of four (GOF)

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture - Martin Fowler

If you're looking for best practices for quality coding in C++ and C# then look for the "Effective C++" and "More Effective C++" books (by Scott Meyers) and "Effective C#" and "More Effective C#" books (by Bill Wagner). They won't hold your hand along the way though, so you should have an understanding of the language in general. There are other books in the "Effective" series so make sure you see what's available for your languages.

I'm sure you can do a search here for other recommended reading so I'll stop here.

EDIT: added more details under the Hungarian Notation question.

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Ahmad Mageed Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09

Ahmad Mageed