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Is there a difference between using "this" pointer and not using it?

Does using "this" pointer adds another operation to the program at runtime?

Just to give an example to explain the question better:

class C
    void set_x(int val){ x = val; }
    void set_this_x(int val){ this->x = val; }

    int x;

Does the function "C::set_x()", during runtime, performs 1 less operation than "C::set_this_x()" ?

Thanks! :-)

like image 846
TCS Avatar asked Aug 13 '11 09:08


3 Answers

No, it doesn't make a runtime difference, it's just syntax. The this pointer is still accessed in the first function, it's only specified implicitly instead of explicitly.

By the way, this smells like a premature optimization - write clean code first, fast code later.

like image 35
Karel Petranek Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Karel Petranek

The this->member syntax is required if you inherit from a class template:

template<typename T>
class Base
    T x;

template<typename T>
class Derived : Base<T>
    void whatever()
        T a = x;         // error
        T b = this->x;   // ok
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fredoverflow Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10


There is no difference between the two member functions. It has to be, since this is what the C++ Standard (ISO/IEC 14882:2003) has to say:

9.3.1 Nonstatic member functions [class.mfct.nonstatic]

2. When an id-expression (5.1) that is not part of a class member access syntax (5.2.5) and not used to form a pointer to member (5.3.1) is used in the body of a nonstatic member function of class X or used in the mem-initializer for a constructor of class X, if name lookup (3.4.1) resolves the name in the id-expression to a nonstatic nontype member of class X or of a base class of X, the id-expression is transformed into a class member access expression (5.2.5) using (*this) (9.3.2) as the postfix-expression to the left of the . operator. The member name then refers to the member of the object for which the function is called.

5.2.5 Class member access [expr.ref]

3. If E1 has the type “pointer to class X,” then the expression E1->E2 is converted to the equivalent form (*(E1)).E2; ...

So that means the following code:

class C
    void set_x(int val) { x = val; }
    void set_this_x(int val) { this->x = val; }
    int x;

would've been transformed to the following code according to 9.3.1/2 and 5.2.5/3:

class C
    void set_x(int val)      { (*this).x = val; }   // as per 9.3.1/2
    void set_this_x(int val) { (*(this)).x = val; } // as per 5.2.5/3
    int x;

To show that there really is no difference, at least for one compiler, here's a side-by-side comparison of the disassembly of the C::set_x() and C::set_this_x() function the VC++ compiler emits with optimizations disabled (/Od):

  void set_x(int val){ x = val; }      void set_this_x(int val){ this->x = val; }
push      ebp                        push      ebp
mov       ebp,esp                    mov       ebp,esp
sub       esp,0CCh                   sub       esp,0CCh
push      ebx                        push      ebx
push      esi                        push      esi
push      edi                        push      edi
push      ecx                        push      ecx
lea       edi,[ebp-0CCh]             lea       edi,[ebp-0CCh]
mov       ecx,33h                    mov       ecx,33h
mov       eax,0CCCCCCCCh             mov       eax,0CCCCCCCCh
rep stos  dword ptr es:[edi]         rep stos  dword ptr es:[edi]
pop       ecx                        pop       ecx
mov       dword ptr [ebp-8],ecx      mov       dword ptr [ebp-8],ecx
mov       eax,dword ptr [this]       mov       eax,dword ptr [this]
mov       ecx,dword ptr [val]        mov       ecx,dword ptr [val]
mov       dword ptr [eax],ecx        mov       dword ptr [eax],ecx
pop       edi                        pop       edi
pop       esi                        pop       esi
pop       ebx                        pop       ebx
mov       esp,ebp                    mov       esp,ebp
pop       ebp                        pop       ebp
ret       4                          ret       4

Note that the compiler produces the exact same assembly for both member functions.

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In silico Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10

In silico