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Is there a difference between the R functions fitted() and predict()?



Is there a difference between the functions fitted() and predict()? I've noticed that mixed models from lme4 work with fitted() but not predict().

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N Brouwer Avatar asked Aug 30 '12 16:08

N Brouwer

People also ask

Are predicted and fitted values the same?

A fitted value is simply another name for a predicted value as it describes where a particular x-value fits the line of best fit. It is found by substituting a given value of x into the regression equation . A residual denoted (e) is the difference or error between an observed observation and a predicted or fit value.

What does fitted () in R do?

fitted is a generic function which extracts fitted values from objects returned by modeling functions. fitted. values is an alias for it. All object classes which are returned by model fitting functions should provide a fitted method.

What is predict () in R?

The predict() function in R is used to predict the values based on the input data.

What is the difference between predict and forecast in R?

A forecast refers to a calculation or an estimation which uses data from previous events, combined with recent trends to come up a future event outcome. Forecast implies time series and future, while prediction does not. A prediction is a statement which tries to explain a “possible outcome or future event”.

2 Answers

Yes, there is. If there is a link function relating the linear predictor to the expected value of the response (such as log for Poisson regression or logit for logistic regression), predict returns the fitted values before the inverse of the link function is applied (to return the data to the same scale as the response variable), and fitted shows it after it is applied.

For example:

x = rnorm(10) y = rpois(10, exp(x)) m = glm(y ~ x, family="poisson")  print(fitted(m)) #         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8  # 0.3668989 0.6083009 0.4677463 0.8685777 0.8047078 0.6116263 0.5688551 0.4909217  #         9        10  # 0.5583372 0.6540281  print(predict(m)) #          1          2          3          4          5          6          7  # -1.0026690 -0.4970857 -0.7598292 -0.1408982 -0.2172761 -0.4916338 -0.5641295  #          8          9         10  # -0.7114706 -0.5827923 -0.4246050  print(all.equal(log(fitted(m)), predict(m))) # [1] TRUE 

This does mean that for models created by linear regression (lm), there is no difference between fitted and predict.

In practical terms, this means that if you want to compare the fit to the original data, you should use fitted.

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David Robinson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09

David Robinson

The fitted function returns the y-hat values associated with the data used to fit the model. The predict function returns predictions for a new set of predictor variables. If you don't specify a new set of predictor variables then it will use the original data by default giving the same results as fitted for some models, but if you want to predict for a new set of values then you need predict. The predict function often also has options for which type of prediction to return, the linear predictor, the prediction transformed to the response scale, the most likely category, the contribution of each term in the model, etc.

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Greg Snow Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Greg Snow