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Is there a command to undo git-flow feature start?




I'm inexperienced with git-flow.

Is there a command to undo git-flow feature start?

like image 684
atian25 Avatar asked Aug 02 '12 13:08


People also ask

What is git flow command?

Git-flow is a wrapper around Git. The git flow init command is an extension of the default git init command and doesn't change anything in your repository other than creating branches for you.

What does git flow release do?

Gitflow release branch process overview The release branch represents a complete feature set. The only commits on the release branch are for bug fixes and important chores. The Gitflow release branch is created off the development branch. Gitflow release is merged into master and also back into development.

Which branch should be used for bringing forth production releases git flow?

Release branches When creating a release branch, it uses the current state of 'develop' branch as its base. You can make any further small commits to make it production ready, then you can run git flow release finish 'v0. 1' to finish the release.

1 Answers

Since git-flow just wraps regular git functionality, how about simply deleting the new branch (assuming you have no changes in there you want saved)?

$ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' $ git branch -d feature/your-feature-name-here 
like image 71
Greg Haskins Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09

Greg Haskins