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Is there a benefit to using a return statement that returns nothing?

I'm refactoring a large javascript document that I picked up from an open source project. A number of functions use inconsistent return statements. Here's a simple example of what I mean:

var func = function(param) {     if (!param) {         return;     }     // do stuff     return true; } 

Sometimes the functions return boolean, sometimes strings or other things. Usually they are inconsistently paired with a simple return; statement inside of a conditional.

The problem is that the code is complex. It is a parser that uses a multitude of unique RegEx matches, creates and destroys DOM nodes on the fly, etc. Preliminary testing shows that, in the above example, I could change the return; statement to become return false;, but I'm concerned that I may not realize that it had a negative impact (i.e. some feature stopped working) on the script until much later.

So my questions: Is there a benefit to using a blank return statement? Could this have been intentionally coded this way or was it just lazy? Can I change them all to return false;, or return null; or do I need to dig through every call and find out what they are doing with the results of those functions?

like image 589
Stephen Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 12:09


People also ask

Is the return statement useful?

A return statement is the way a function provides that result. There's no other way to do that, so it's not a matter of style; if your function has a useful result, you need a return statement. In some cases, you're only calling a function for its side-effects, and there is no useful result.

What is the purpose of using return statement?

A return statement ends the execution of a function, and returns control to the calling function. Execution resumes in the calling function at the point immediately following the call. A return statement can return a value to the calling function.

Can you have an empty return statement?

No; that is not needed. You only need to write return; if you want to return early and skip the rest of the function. Show activity on this post. You are correct, return; is never needed in a function that is not breaking out of itself early.

1 Answers

Using return without a value will return the value undefined.

If the value is evaluated as a boolean, undefined will work as false, but if the value for example is compared to false, you will get a different behaviour:

var x; // x is undefined alert(x); // shows "undefined" alert(!x); // shows "true" alert(x==false); // shows "false" 

So, while the code should logically return true or false, not true or undefined, you can't just change return; to return false; without checking how the return value is used.

like image 163
Guffa Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09
