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Is that a RESTFUL MVC Web Service?

I am aware of Web Services and WCF but I have generic question with services.

I have a ASP.NET MVC Application which does some basic functionality. I just have a controller in which I am passing it the records and serializing the information to XML using XML Serializer. Then I return this information to the browser and it displays me the XML i got from the Controller Action. So I get the XML representation of my Class(Database Object) in XML and I am to give the URL of this application to the client and access and pull the information.

Is this a Service then?

I mean in the end all the Clients need is the Xml representation through services also right? I am not that experienced and probably being very silly but please help me out...if I provide xml this way to the client is that a Service? Or is there something I need to understand here?

like image 908
Vishal Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 04:02


1 Answers

Don't let all the buzz about "web services" fool you; the basic idea behind a web service is very, very simple. It is simply a matter of providing data in response to a request over standard web transport protocols (i.e., HTTP/HTTPS). Everything else (XML, SOAP, WSDL, etc.) is just layered technology to augment the basic functionality of a service. REST-based services are very basically the simplest services that you can build--they are built on the core HTTP/S transport protocol and not much else.

The main differentiator between a service and traditional web site is that a service is data-focussed rather than presentation-focussed; that is, services typically are not concerned with how data is formatted and displayed (that is up to the client), but rather what data is returned. So...you are delivering XML data over HTTP? Check. You have a service. Congratulations!

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KP Taylor Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 11:03

KP Taylor