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Is Python interpreted, or compiled, or both?

First off, interpreted/compiled is not a property of the language but a property of the implementation. For most languages, most if not all implementations fall in one category, so one might save a few words saying the language is interpreted/compiled too, but it's still an important distinction, both because it aids understanding and because there are quite a few languages with usable implementations of both kinds (mostly in the realm of functional languages, see Haskell and ML). In addition, there are C interpreters and projects that attempt to compile a subset of Python to C or C++ code (and subsequently to machine code).

Second, compilation is not restricted to ahead-of-time compilation to native machine code. A compiler is, more generally, a program that converts a program in one programming language into a program in another programming language (arguably, you can even have a compiler with the same input and output language if significant transformations are applied). And JIT compilers compile to native machine code at runtime, which can give speed very close to or even better than ahead of time compilation (depending on the benchmark and the quality of the implementations compared).

But to stop nitpicking and answer the question you meant to ask: Practically (read: using a somewhat popular and mature implementation), Python is compiled. Not compiled to machine code ahead of time (i.e. "compiled" by the restricted and wrong, but alas common definition), "only" compiled to bytecode, but it's still compilation with at least some of the benefits. For example, the statement a = b.c() is compiled to a byte stream which, when "disassembled", looks somewhat like load 0 (b); load_str 'c'; get_attr; call_function 0; store 1 (a). This is a simplification, it's actually less readable and a bit more low-level - you can experiment with the standard library dis module and see what the real deal looks like. Interpreting this is faster than interpreting from a higher-level representation.

That bytecode is either interpreted (note that there's a difference, both in theory and in practical performance, between interpreting directly and first compiling to some intermediate representation and interpret that), as with the reference implementation (CPython), or both interpreted and compiled to optimized machine code at runtime, as with PyPy.

The CPU can only understand machine code indeed. For interpreted programs, the ultimate goal of an interpreter is to "interpret" the program code into machine code. However, usually a modern interpreted language does not interpret human code directly because it is too inefficient.

The Python interpreter first reads the human code and optimizes it to some intermediate code before interpreting it into machine code. That's why you always need another program to run a Python script, unlike in C++ where you can run the compiled executable of your code directly. For example, c:\Python27\python.exe or /usr/bin/python.

The answer depends on what implementation of python is being used. If you are using lets say CPython (The Standard implementation of python) or Jython (Targeted for integration with java programming language)it is first translated into bytecode, and depending on the implementation of python you are using, this bycode is directed to the corresponding virtual machine for interpretation. PVM (Python Virtual Machine) for CPython and JVM (Java Virtual Machine) for Jython.

But lets say you are using PyPy which is another standard CPython implementation. It would use a Just-In-Time Compiler.

According to the official Python site, it's interpreted.


Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language...


Since there is no compilation step ...


The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are available...


Instead, when the interpreter discovers an error, it raises an exception. When the program doesn't catch the exception, the interpreter prints a stack trace.

Yes, it is both compiled and interpreted language. Then why we generally call it as interpreted language?

see how it is both- compiled and interpreted?

First of all I want to tell that you will like my answer more if you are from the Java world.

In the Java the source code first gets converted to the byte code through javac compiler then directed to the JVM(responsible for generating the native code for execution purpose). Now I want to show you that we call the Java as compiled language because we can see that it really compiles the source code and gives the .class file(nothing but bytecode) through:

javac Hello.java -------> produces Hello.class file

java Hello -------->Directing bytecode to JVM for execution purpose

The same thing happens with python i.e. first the source code gets converted to the bytecode through the compiler then directed to the PVM(responsible for generating the native code for execution purpose). Now I want to show you that we usually call the Python as an interpreted language because the compilation happens behind the scene and when we run the python code through:

python Hello.py -------> directly excutes the code and we can see the output provied that code is syntactically correct

@ python Hello.py it looks like it directly executes but really it first generates the bytecode that is interpreted by the interpreter to produce the native code for the execution purpose.

CPython- Takes the responsibility of both compilation and interpretation.

Look into the below lines if you need more detail:

As I mentioned that CPython compiles the source code but actual compilation happens with the help of cython then interpretation happens with the help of CPython

Now let's talk a little bit about the role of Just-In-Time compiler in Java and Python

In JVM the Java Interpreter exists which interprets the bytecode line by line to get the native machine code for execution purpose but when Java bytecode is executed by an interpreter, the execution will always be slower. So what is the solution? the solution is Just-In-Time compiler which produces the native code which can be executed much more quickly than that could be interpreted. Some JVM vendors use Java Interpreter and some use Just-In-Time compiler. Reference: click here

In python to get around the interpreter to achieve the fast execution use another python implementation(PyPy) instead of CPython. click here for other implementation of python including PyPy.

Its a big confusion for people who just started working in python and the answers here are a little difficult to comprehend so i'll make it easier.

When we instruct Python to run our script, there are a few steps that Python carries out before our code actually starts crunching away:

  • It is compiled to bytecode.
  • Then it is routed to virtual machine.

When we execute some source code, Python compiles it into byte code. Compilation is a translation step, and the byte code is a low-level platform-independent representation of source code.

Note that the Python byte code is not binary machine code (e.g., instructions for an Intel chip).

Actually, Python translate each statement of the source code into byte code instructions by decomposing them into individual steps. The byte code translation is performed to speed execution. Byte code can be run much more quickly than the original source code statements. It has.pyc extension and it will be written if it can write to our machine.

So, next time we run the same program, Python will load the .pyc file and skip the compilation step unless it's been changed. Python automatically checks the timestamps of source and byte code files to know when it must recompile. If we resave the source code, byte code is automatically created again the next time the program is run.

If Python cannot write the byte code files to our machine, our program still works. The byte code is generated in memory and simply discarded on program exit. But because .pyc files speed startup time, we may want to make sure it has been written for larger programs.

Let's summarize what happens behind the scenes. When Python executes a program, Python reads the .py into memory, and parses it in order to get a bytecode, then goes on to execute. For each module that is imported by the program, Python first checks to see whether there is a precompiled bytecode version, in a .pyo or .pyc, that has a timestamp which corresponds to its .py file. Python uses the bytecode version if any. Otherwise, it parses the module's .py file, saves it into a .pyc file, and uses the bytecode it just created.

Byte code files are also one way of shipping Python codes. Python will still run a program if all it can find are.pyc files, even if the original .py source files are not there.

Python Virtual Machine (PVM)

Once our program has been compiled into byte code, it is shipped off for execution to Python Virtual Machine (PVM). The PVM is not a separate program. It need not be installed by itself. Actually, the PVM is just a big loop that iterates through our byte code instruction, one by one, to carry out their operations. The PVM is the runtime engine of Python. It's always present as part of the Python system. It's the component that truly runs our scripts. Technically it's just the last step of what is called the Python interpreter.