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Is MacBook powerful enough to do Ipad development? or do I need a MacBook Pro?



The title probably says it all.

Considering an ipad's processor is nothing compared to a macbook, I would think a Macbook should be more than capable to run the simulator. However, not knowing much about iphone/ipad development, I'd like to get some opinions on this.

for e.g. how many apps are typically need to be run for ipad dev (editor, debugger, perf monitor, trace log, etc). are these apps resource (memory, cpu) intensive?

please do not take into consideration the actual image, 3d, video, sound development. I understand one would need quite a beefy machine to produce these type of creative assets. What I'm looking at is a machine to do code development, physics, putting together the produced assets (images, vector graphics, 3d video, sound, etc).

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ronaldwidha Avatar asked Apr 12 '10 07:04


1 Answers

A Macbook would be sufficient for development - slightly longer compile times will be the only downside - but that should not really be significant. However, where you're going to struggle will be screen estate. The Macbook's resolution is only just larger than the iPad's in landscape (and by the time you take out the dock and taskbar, perhaps smaller). In portrait be prepared for a lot of scrolling. I started using the iPad simulator on my 15.4" Macbook Pro originally and got so frustrated with it I went out and bought a 17" instead (even knowing they're due for a refresh). YMMV.

Of course, if you'll have the MB hooked up to a monitor most of the time this may not be an issue.

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philsquared Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10
