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Is Java Mission Control included with a JDK?




Are JMC binaries included in open JDK ? We have openjdk- in our Linux platform , but we do not have JMC ?

Can we install JMC as separate application that runs on JVM already installed ? Can we use JMC in production environments ? If yes, please let me know the path to install JMC for open JDK

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Naveed Avatar asked Jun 23 '20 18:06


People also ask

Is JMC part of JDK?

The Java Mission Control (JMC) is a new JDK profiling and diagnostics tools platform for HotSpot JVM. It is a tool suite for basic monitoring, managing, and production time profiling and diagnostics with high performance.

How do I install Java Mission Control?

Install the Java Mission Control/Flight Recorder Eclipse plugin. To install the JMC/JFR plugin, simply go to the Help –> Install New Software link from the main menu and then select Add… Archive.

Where can I find JMC?

The JMC client executable file is located in the bin directory of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) installation path ( JAVA_HOME ).

Is Java Mission Control open source?

Mission Control is an open source production time profiling and diagnostics tool for Java. Builds of Mission Control can currently be found in the Oracle JDK on supported platforms and in the Eclipse marketplace.

1 Answers

About Mission Control

Java Mission Control was previously a proprietary commercial offering from Oracle. Oracle then open-sourced it as a subproject on the OpenJDK project. Now available free-of-cost.

See that subproject page, Mission Control, and this wiki page. Notice the “Java” trademarked word has been dropped from the name.

As of 2021-07, the current version of the Mission Control project is 8.

Flight Recorder

Similarly Oracle’s Flight Recorder product, is now open-sourced within the OpenJDK project. See JEP 328: Flight Recorder. Flight Recorder is currently being bundled with the JDK in my experience, while Mission Control is a separate download.

Java 11

In Java 11, the current LTS version, you will need to download and install the binary of Mission Control.

Binary distributions available from various vendors. These include Azul Systems, BellSoft, Oracle, Red Hat/IBM, and Adoptium/AdoptOpenJDK.

Mission Control requires a JDK to run. Here is a flowchart I made to guide you in choosing a vendor for a JDK implementation.

Flowchart guiding you in choosing a vendor for a Java 11 implementation

Java 8

Be aware that Oracle changed its licensing on its product Oracle JDK. That product now requires a fee for use in production. As I recall, even before that change, Oracle required a fee for use of its Java Mission Control product in production.

Now Oracle has generously transferred the product to the OpenJDK project. Since open-sourcing under the OpenJDK project, other vendors are free to back-port Mission Control to Java 8 per the new licensing terms.

I know of at least one such vendor:

  • Azul Systems
    • See their product Zulu® Mission Control. This product is included with both their free-of-cost Zulu Community product and their commercial Zulu Enterprise product.
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Basil Bourque Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Basil Bourque