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Is it secure to process an equation in this manner?




I'm taking a user provided string like 'm*0.2' where 'm' is $value and evaluating the string. The user is allowed to use the 4 basic math operators, decimals, and negative numbers. Any attempt to use anything else is omitted.

$equation = $metric['formatter'];

$equation = preg_replace("/[^0-9*m.\/\+\-]/", "", $equation); //strips extra params

if (strlen($equation) > 1) {
    $equation = str_replace("m", ' $value ', $equation);

    $code = '$newValue = '.$equation.';';

    if (validExec($code)) { //validates syntax

        $newValue = (int) $newValue; //unnecessary security step?

        if ($newValue != 0) {
            $value = $newValue;

function validExec($code) {
    $code = escapeshellarg('<?php ' . $code . ' ?>');

    $lint = 'echo $code | php -l'; // command-line PHP

    // maybe there are other messages for good code?
    return (preg_match('/No syntax errors detected in -/', $lint));

I want to know if my method is 100% secure in allowing the above to run.

like image 664
Max Hudson Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 04:11

Max Hudson

1 Answers

I was looking at fixing code that eval'ed user inputted formulae as well.

What you are doing seems to prevent any user malicious code from being run on your server, as they would only be allowed the letter m, numbers and maths operators.

However, it just requires one bright spark to find a way around it, to compromise your system and I think most will agree that allowing user input to be eval'ed is probably not good practice, no matter how much you validate it.

When I was looking into my issue, I started looking for formulae processing libraries, such as those used in spreadsheets. An Excel like library would take mathematical expressions and be able to safely evaluate them.

I never got around to testing that, but hopefully, if you can find the right one, you can even get backwards compatibility with your existing formulae.

Good luck.

like image 185
Jayd Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
