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Mailgun : Cancel queued emails

I am using mailgun API to send emails. By mistake I called a function that queued thousands of emails in Mailgun.

Is there a way to Cancel/Clear the queue?

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Nishit Modi Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 06:11

Nishit Modi

1 Answers

There does not seem to exist an easy way through the API, except contacting Mailgun Support.

On the other hand, I found a handy workaround that might work for your case: add the recipients in the Bounced Recipients temporarily (Suppressions) so when the time comes, email will not be sent and marked as failed/bounced from Mailgun.

When all of the emails you wanted disappeared are marked as bounced, you can remove recipients from bounces list.

Hope this helps

ps: I know it's an old thread but, mistakes are made all the time ;)

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Theodore Caravellas Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Theodore Caravellas