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Is it safe to modify mutable members of objects inside sets?

I was curious as to whether the following scenario is safe.

I have the following class definitions:

class ActiveStatusEffect
    StatusEffect* effect;
    mutable int ReminaingTurns;
    ActiveStatusEffect() : ReminaingTurns(0)
    //Other unimportant stuff down here

I then store a group of these inside an std::set as follows:

struct ASECmp
    bool operator ()(const StatusEffects::ActiveStatusEffect &eff1, const StatusEffects::ActiveStatusEffect &eff2)
        return eff1.effect->GetPriority() < eff2.effect->GetPriority();
std::set<StatusEffects::ActiveStatusEffect, ASECmp> ActiveStatusEffects;

I mark RemainingTurns as mutable because I want to be able to change it without haing to constantly erase/insert into the set. I.e.

void BaseCharacter::Tick(Battles::BattleField &field, int ticks)
    for (auto effect = ActiveStatusEffects.begin(); effect != ActiveStatusEffects.end();)// ++index)
           auto next = effect;
        if (effect->effect->HasFlag(StatusEffects::STATUS_FLAGS::TickEffect) && effect->ReminaingTurns > 0)
            effect->effect->TickCharacter(*this, field, ticks);

        if (effect->ReminaingTurns == 0)
        effect = next;

I'm concerned because it seems possible for this to mess up the ordering within the set, meaning I can't guarantee the set will always be sorted by effect->GetPrority()

If that's true, is there a safe way (such as not have RemainingTurns form part of the key) to do this besides copying, modifying, erasing then inserting what I need to change?


@ildjarn - sorry, I didn't think that mattered. It just returns an int stored within StatusEffect. That int is guaranteed not to change over the runtime of the program.

int StatusEffect::GetPriority() const
    return StatusPriority;
like image 738
Megatron Avatar asked May 20 '11 06:05


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1 Answers

Changing data that affects the ordering of an object will indeed break the invariants of associative containers, but because ActiveStatusEffect::ReminaingTurns is not involved in the ordering of ActiveStatusEffect objects whatsoever, keeping it mutable and modifying its value is perfectly harmless.

I'm concerned because it seems possible for this to mess up the ordering within the set, meaning I can't guarantee the set will always be sorted by effect->GetPrority()

It's a std::set<StatusEffects::ActiveStatusEffect, ASECmp>; how could it sort by any criteria other than that defined by ASECmp?

like image 106
ildjarn Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09
