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Is it safe to expose the AWS Cognito Ids?

I'm using the client-side Cognito Javascript SDK. Part of the setup requires configuring region, UserPoolId, ClientId, and identityPoolId. During testing, I'm including the data via a separate file that users could look through and use to discover these Cognito ids.

Is it safe to expose these ids to the end user?

Otherwise, how do I do this safely?

like image 789
nu everest Avatar asked Sep 22 '16 22:09

nu everest

1 Answers

There's a post by AWS on their forums that addresses this.

Please note that with userPoolId and clientId, only unauthenticated APIs can be called, for eg: SignUp, authenticate, forgotPassword etc. So userPoolId and clientId alone are not enough to do any malicious activity on your user pool.

Source is https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=245752&tstart=200

An alternative is to use API Gateway with the Cognito authorizer for handling calls to other back-end services (like DynamoDB or S3) instead of using those directly from the front-end js. That's described here:


like image 79
Jim Howard Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 02:09

Jim Howard