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React-JS: Access a child's method through HOC wrapper

I have an Editor component that looks like so:

class EditorComp extends Component {
  focus() {

  render() {
    return (

So that elements that use EditorComp can set a ref and call its focus method and apply focus to the lower level input, like so:

class Parent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => this.refs.editor.focus()}>Focus</button>
        <EditorComp ref="editor" />

However, when wrapping EditorComp in a Higher Order Component (like react-redux's connect()) the EditorComp loses the focus method because it gets trapped underneath the HOC.


const WrappedEditor = connect()(EditorComp); // react-redux's connect, for example
const wrappedEditorInstance = <WrappedEditor />;

wrappedEditorInstance.focus() // Error! Focus is not a function.

Is there a way to pass up method or component references through the parent HOCs of a child component?

Edit: Or is there a reverse solution in which the parent hands down a function which sets the focus command? I've considered using an event-emitter, and having the child listen to a focus event called by the parent, however this seems unwieldy and unnecessary.

like image 626
Justin Schultz Avatar asked Jun 27 '16 20:06

Justin Schultz

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One way to call a child component's function from its parent is with the help of the useRef hook. Here's the gist of it: We pass a Ref (e.g. childFunc ) to a child 🧒 component and assign the desired function to the Ref's current key. This then gives you access to that very function in the parent component.

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1 Answers

1 way return comp instance

class EditorComp extends Component {
  focus() {
  render() {
    return (
export default connect(state=>({state}), actions)(EditorComp);

class Parent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => this.editor.focus()}>Focus</button>
        <EditorComp  onMount={c=>this.editor=c}  ref="editor" />

2 way pass down position

class EditorComp extends Component {
  componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
    let {input}= this.refs
    this.props.isFocus? input.focus():input.blur();
  render() {
    return (
export default connect(state=>({state}), actions)(EditorComp);

class Parent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => this.setState({isfocus:true});}>Focus</button>
        <EditorComp  isFocus={this.state.isfocus}  ref="editor" />
like image 129
Kokovin Vladislav Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Kokovin Vladislav