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Is it possible to use enums in RealmSwift?

I want to do something like this:

enum WeekDay {
    case Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

class Person: Object {

    dynamic var birthday: WeekDay? = .Monday
    dynamic var id: String? = nil
    dynamic var birthdayRaw: String? = nil

    override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "id"

But, I'm getting an error:

Property cannot be marked dynamic because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C

How can I solve this ? Thanks for any help.

like image 899
Tikhonov Aleksandr Avatar asked May 05 '16 12:05

Tikhonov Aleksandr

3 Answers

Realm doesn't have a direct way do it. Github issue.

But you can consider this trick

enum WeekDay: String {
    case Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

class Person: Object {
    private var _day: WeekDay?
    var birthday: WeekDay? {
        get {
            if let resolTypeRaw = birthdayRaw  {
                _day = WeekDay(rawValue: resolTypeRaw)
                return _day
            return .Sunday
        set {
            birthdayRaw = newValue?.rawValue
            _day = newValue

    dynamic var id: String? = nil
    dynamic var birthdayRaw: String? = nil

    override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "id"
like image 190
Tikhonov Aleksandr Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Tikhonov Aleksandr

As of Realm 3.x you can use Int-based enums (apparently, by side-effect).

As of Realm 4.1 you can use any RawRepresentable enum (Int, Float, String) by complying with the "RealmEnum" protocol. Details in the pull request

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Eli Burke Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Eli Burke

i've create an extension, i hope it will help you

import RealmSwift

protocol RealmPersistableEnum: RawRepresentable, _OptionalPersistable { }

extension RealmPersistableEnum where RawValue: _OptionalPersistable {
    static func _rlmGetProperty(_ obj: ObjectBase, _ key: PropertyKey) -> Self {
        Self(rawValue: RawValue._rlmGetProperty(obj, key)) ?? Self()

    static func _rlmGetPropertyOptional(_ obj: ObjectBase, _ key: PropertyKey) -> Self? {
        guard let value = RawValue._rlmGetPropertyOptional(obj, key) else { return nil }
        return Self(rawValue: value)
    static func _rlmSetProperty(_ obj: ObjectBase, _ key: PropertyKey, _ value: Self) {
        RawValue._rlmSetProperty(obj, key, value.rawValue)

Use example

enum SomeEnumInt: Int, RealmPersistableEnum {
    case none = 0
    case test = 1
    case debug = 2

    init() {
        self = .none

enum SomeEnumString: String, RealmPersistableEnum {
    case none
    case test
    case debug

    init() {
        self = .none

class Foo: Object {
    @Persisted var v1: String
    @Persisted var v2: SomeEnumInt
    @Persisted var v3: SomeEnumString
like image 28
Alex Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
