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Is it possible to use Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0 with IntelliJ

I am trying to use plugin com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.0-alpha4 in IntelliJ. But I've got the error

Error:This Gradle plugin requires Studio 3.0 minimum

The android gradle plugin version 2.3.3 supports Intellij.

I need IntelliJ due to I want to use AspectJ + Java 8 in IDE. Android Studio IDE doesn't support AspectJ yet, only gradle plugin.

Is it possible to use new version Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0 with exactly IntelliJ, not Android Studio?

Thank you.

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Irina Avatar asked Jun 28 '17 07:06


People also ask

Can I use Android Studio on IntelliJ?

Are Android Studio projects compatible with IntelliJ IDEA? Yes, the two IDEs use the same project format.

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Create a new Android project Launch IntelliJ IDEA. On the Welcome screen, click New Project. If you already have a project open, from the main menu select File | New | Project. In the New Project wizard, select Android on the left.

1 Answers

Android Studio 3.0 features will be merged in IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.x which is not released yet, you can't update just Android plug-in separately, since it's a bundled plug-in and the synchronization with Android Studio is performed manually at JetBrains.

You can track the progress here.

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CrazyCoder Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10
