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Is it possible to use a CSS wildcard in the middle of an attribute selector?

I have some generated CSS and would like to use some css that could select e.g.

<p id="loremIndexIpsum">Text in here</p> 

Using on lorem and Ipsum disregarding Index. Something similar to:

p#lorem*Ipsum { } 

I can generate some more classes, but wondered if this was possible with CSS.

like image 804
StuperUser Avatar asked Jul 29 '11 14:07


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1 Answers

You can't use a wildcard like that, but to get the desired result (ID starts with lorem and ends with Ipsum) you can use the attribute starts-with and ends-with selectors instead, like so:


Remember that by linking multiple attribute selectors like this (along with the p type selector), you're doing an AND match with all of them on the same element.

jsFiddle demo

like image 64
BoltClock Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
